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Bulletin Vol. LIX - No. 2/2007

The University - from the declaration of mission to the principles of management
(Universitatea - de la declaratia misiunii la principiile de management)
Vol LIX • No. 2/2007
Liviu Antonesei
Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Bd. Carol I, nr. 11, Iasi
e-mail: liviuant2001@yahoo.fr

Keywords   autonomy, competence, management of educational processes,

Regardless of the other fields/social universes, the world of the university has the power to "tell the
world? and "say it out loudly and clear, having authority?. Of course, there are other domains and
social fields which can state their opinion about the world, but the university sphere has a special
feature-its discourse is recognized as a universal discourse, being relatively autonomous in connection
with the so-called social determinations, so it is a universe with a legitimate component regarding the
perception of the world, but also having an objective dimension. Consequently, we may say that its
legitimacy is based on this supposed objectivity.

Spre deosebire de alte universuri sociale sau domenii, lumea universitara are puterea de a spune lumii
si de a o spune tare si clar având autoritate?. Desigur exista alte domenii si câmpuri sociale care îsi pot
afirma opinia asupra lumii, dar sfera universitatii are o caracteristica speciala - discursul sau este
recunoscut ca un discurs universal, fiind relativ autonom în legatura cu asa numitele determinari
sociale; este, astfel, un univers cu o componenta legitima legata de perceptia asupra lumii, având de
asemenea si o dimensiune obiectiva. În consecinta, putem spune ca legitimitatea sa se bazeaza pe aceasta
presupusa obiectivitate.

The power of educational relationship - in pursuit of social legitimacy
(Universitatea din Bucuresti, Bd. M. Kogalniceanu, nr. 36 ? 46, Bucuresti e-mail: neacsu@mec.edu.ro)
Vol LIX • No. 2/2007
Ioan Neacsu
Universitatea din Bucuresti, Bd. M. Kogalniceanu, nr. 36 - 46, Bucuresti
e-mail: neacsu@mec.edu.ro

Keywords   power, authority, style, role-status within the qualitative educational process.

The research examines the power of education, in general, of the educational relationship, in particular,
at the level of both formal and informal issues. The main view is that concerning the polymorphism , the
values and the effects observable or non-observable in the perception of the educational agents.The
interdisciplinary approaches focus on some central elements of the personality of the teaching staff and of
the managers: decision-taking behaviour, assumed responsibilities, transversal and specialised
competences, working strategies, acquired interactions. Legitimating the authority by means of the rolesstatus
performed by the educational agents is related to the arguments concerning the educational styles,
the semiotics of the emotional states, the authorised point of view of some students attending specialised

Cercetarea examineaza puterea educatiei în general, a relatiilor educationale în particular, atât la
nivelul aspectelor formale cât si cele informationale. Principalul punct de vedere este acela referitor la
polimorfism de valori si efecte observabile. Abordarile interdisciplinare se centreaza pe câteva elemente
centrale ale personalitatii cadrelor didactice si ale managerului: comportament de luarea deciziilor,
responsabilitatile asumate, competentele transversale si specializate, strategii de lucru, interactiuni
achizitionate. Legitimarea autoritatii prin statutul rolurilor performante de agenti autoritari este legata
de argumentele care vizeaza stilurile educationale, punct de vedere centrat asupra anumitor studenti care
frecventeza cursurile specializate.

What Does It Mean to Be Well-Educated?
Vol LIX • No. 2/2007
Alfie Kohn

Keywords   to be well-educated, "habits of mind?: the value of raising questions about evidence, point
of view, connections, supposition and relevance

Rather than attempting to define what it means to be well-educated, should we instead be asking about
the purposes of education? The latter formulation invites us to look beyond academic goals. For example,
Nel Noddings, professor emerita at Stanford University, urges us to reject "the deadly notion that the
schools' first priority should be intellectual development? and contends that "the main aim of education
should be to produce competent, caring, loving, and lovable people.? Alternatively, we might wade into
the dispute between those who see education as a means to creating or sustaining a democratic society
and those who believe its primary role is economic, amounting to an "investment? in future workers and,
ultimately, corporate profits. In short, perhaps the question "How do we know if education has been
successful?? shouldn't be posed until we have asked what it's supposed to be successful at.

Mai degraba decât sa definim ce înseamna sa fii bine educat, ar trebui sa ne întrebam mai întâi care sunt
scopurile educatiei? Ultima formulare ne invita sa privim dincolo de scopurile academice. De exemplu,
Nel Noddings, profesor emerit la Stanford University, ne îndeamna sa respingem ?notiunea depasita ca
prima prioritate a scolii ar trebui sa fie dezvoltarea intelectului? si sustine ca ?principalul scop al
educatiei ar trebui sa fie acela de a produce oameni competenti, placuti si atenti?. Alternativ, am putea
intra într-o disputa între cei care vad educatia ca un mijloc de a crea sau de a sustine o societate
democratica si cei care cred ca rolul primar este cel economic. Pe scurt, poate ca întrebarea ?Cum stim
daca educatia a avut succes?? nu ar trebui pusa pâna nu ne întrebam ce se întelege prin a fi de succes.

Education for the never served
(Harriet Fulbright, 1311 North Lynnbrook Drive Arlington, VA 22201 e-mail: www. hmfulbright.com)
Vol LIX • No. 2/2007
Harriet Mayor Fulbright
Harriet Fulbright, 1311 North Lynnbrook Drive Arlington, VA 22201
e-mail: www. hmfulbright.com

Keywords   comprehensive education, KIP( Knowledge Is Power), reasons for learning,
constant assesment

I will try to dispel some long-standing myths and relay some fundamental ideas and practices about
teaching and learning for the poorly or never served. I could make a parallel observation about
education: without even collecting the data, I can say with confidence that in less than every 40 seconds a
student in the US loses hope, tunes out, leaves school and begins a life of disappointment, depression and
often crime. Mental health and education are clearly inextricably intertwined and should work together to
deliver services to improve lives throughout a society. In short, myths must be shattered, methods must be
challenged, and regimentation must give way to imagination.

Voi încerca sa distrug anumite mituri deja încetatenite si sa redau câteva idei si practici fundamentale
despre predare si învatare adresate celor saraci sau celor care nu au avut niciodata acces la educatie.
Pot face o observatie paralela privitoare la educatie : chiar fara a colecta date, pot sustine cu încredere
ca la fiecare perioada mai scurta de 40 de secunde un student din SUA îsi pierde speranta, renunta,
paraseste scoala si începe o perioada de dezamagiri, depresie si adesea ilegalitati. Sanatatea mentala si
educatia sunt în mod sigur interrelationate si ar trebui sa conlucreze pentru a oferi servicii pentru a
îmbunatati viata întregii societati. Pe scurt, miturile trebuie revazute, metodele trebuie provocate si
regimentarea trebuie sa dea frâu liber imaginatiei.

Hedonism and education

(Universitatea Petrol ? Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, nr. 39, Ploiesti e-mail: estan@yahoo.com)
Vol LIX • No. 2/2007
Emil Stan
Universitatea Petrol ? Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, nr. 39, Ploiesti
e-mail: estan@yahoo.com

Keywords   pleasure, hedonism, modernity, consumption, educations, senses, rationality

Modernity and its values have imposed an educational paradigm based on rationality; as post modernity
mainly focuses on the body, sensory reactions and consumption radically changes the pupil's personality;
therefore, there occurs an inadequacy between the pupil's expectations and what the school offers, so
another type of educational paradigm has become necessary.

Modernitatea si valorile sale au impus o paradigma educationala edificata în jurul ratiunii;
postmodernitatea, având în prim plan trupul, senzorialitatea si consumul transforma în mod radical
personalitatea elevului; în consecinta, apare o inadecvare între asteptarile elevului si oferta scolii, motiv
pentru care este nevoie de o alta paradigma educationala.

The meaning and the necessity in education
(Universitatea Petrol ? Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, nr. 39, Ploiesti e-mail: gabrielalbu04@yahoo.com)
Vol LIX • No. 2/2007
Gabriel Albu
Universitatea Petrol ? Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, nr. 39, Ploiesti
e-mail: gabrielalbu04@yahoo.com

Keywords   empathy, narcissism, education, toxic people, nourishing people.

In a world of competition, of people being obsessed with wealth and personal success, human
relationships become more and more superficial, ephemeral and tensioned. But one can also build longterm,
deep and prosperous relationships if people learn and want to be empathetic. This capacity of
looking at and feeling things from the other person's point of view is essential for any type of
communication, for any relationship between people, for their mental sanity.Empathy is not a sporadic
application when we have a personal goal, but it supposes a long-term involvement. Narcissists and
psychos are incapable of empathizing.Children learn to be empathetic if their parents and teachers ?
showing a mild narcissism ? are empathetic as well.

Într-o lume a concurentei, a obsesiei bunastarii materiale si a succesului personal, relatiile umane devin
(tot) mai superficiale, mai efemere si mai încordate. Putem însa construi si relatii durabile, profunde si
prospere daca învatam si dorim sa fim empatici. Aceasta capacitate de a privi si de a simti lucrurile din
punctul de vedere al celuilalt (al semenului nostru) este esentiala pentru orice comunicare, pentru orice
relatie dintre oameni, pentru sanatatea lor psihica. Empatia pretinde o investitie de durata, iar nu o
aplicare sporadica, când avem un interes personal. Narcisicii si psihopatii sunt incapabili sa
empatizeze.Copiii învata sa fie empatici daca parintii si profesorii lor ? manifestând un narcisism
ponderat ? sunt empatici.

Identity structures, self-conceptand education of the adolescents
(Institutul de Psihologie C. Radulescu ? Motru, Academia Româna, str. Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 13, Bucuresti e-mail: euroget@yahoo.com)
Vol LIX • No. 2/2007
Cristian Vasile
Institutul de Psihologie C. Radulescu ? Motru, Academia Româna, str. Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 13,
e-mail: euroget@yahoo.com

Keywords   education, identity structures, self-concept, academic self-concept, motivation.

One of the most important activities in our life consists from learning. Almost every activity we do, all the
social rules we abide by are learned behaviors and the basis of the learning is organized by the education
process. Which part from a person will respond to this fundamental process? Most of us usually talk
about the cognitive functions in learning and education (senses, attention, memory, thinking etc.). But
also most of us usually don't talk about the identification or nonidentification of the person with the
information and patterns within the education process, about the identity structure (defined as the
structure which allow a person to be unique, to have an individual model of acting, behave and living and
containing the self as a core, surrounded by personality structure) and learning.The paper has a
psychological approach of the adolescents' educational process through the view of the individual
identity structures strictly linked with academic self-concept, achievement motivation, aspirations and

Una dintre cele mai importante activitati din viata noastra consta din învatare. Aproape orice activitate
pe care o realizam, toate regulile sociale pe care ne bazam sunt comportamente învatate, iar baza
învatarii este organizata de procesul educational. Care parte dintr-o persoana raspunde acestui proces
fundamental? Cei mai multi dintre noi vorbesc, de obicei, despre functiile cognitive implicate în învatare
si educatie (simturi, atentie, memorie, gândire etc.). Dar, de asemenea, multi dintre noi nu vorbesc
despre identificarea sau nonidentificarea unei persoane cu informatiile si modelele din cadrul procesului
educational, despre structura de identitate (structura care îi permite unei persoane sa fie unica, sa
actioneze, sa se comporte si sa traiasca dupa un model individual si care contine sinele ca nucleu
înconjurat de structura personalitatii) si învatare. Lucrarea surprinde o abordare psihologica a
procesului educational al adolescentilor prin prisma structurilor de identitate ale unei persoane, de care
sunt strâns legate conceptul despre sinele academic, motivatia pentru realizari, aspiratii si asteptari.

Pragmatic Dimension of Didactic Speech

(Universitatea Petrol ? Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti nr. 39, Ploiesti e-mail: alinapetrescu1@yahoo.com)
Vol LIX • No. 2/2007
Alina Petrescu
Universitatea Petrol ? Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti nr. 39, Ploiesti
e-mail: alinapetrescu1@yahoo.com

Keywords   efficiency of didactic speech, pragmatic dimension of didactic speech.

The proportion between the results obtained by the pupils and the objectives proposed by the teacher
showes the scale of the eficienty of his speech.The usual effect of didactic speech is evaluated by the
pupils according to the following types of performance: the understanding, the belief, the acceptance of
didactic speech, the emotional experience.

Raportul dintre rezultatele obtinute de elevi si obiectivele propuse de catre profesor exprima masura
eficacitatii discursului didactic.Efectul discursului didactic al profesorului este evaluat de catre elevi în
functie de urmatoarele tipuri de performanta: întelegerea, convingerea, acceptabilitatea discursului
didactic, trairea emotionala.

Constantin Narly and personality as the ideal in education

(Universitatea din Bucuresti, Bd. Iuliu Maniu, Bucuresti e-mail: vio_nico@yahoo.com Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti 39, Ploiesti e-mail: steliana.lefter@yahoo.com)
Vol LIX • No. 2/2007
Viorel Nicolescu, Steliana Lefter
Universitatea din Bucuresti, Bd. Iuliu Maniu, Bucuresti
e-mail: vio_nico@yahoo.com
Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti 39, Ploiesti
e-mail: steliana.lefter@yahoo.com

Keywords   ideal of education, personality, calling-profession, specific originality,
social principle.

Constantin Narly (1896-1956), professor at the universities from Cernauti and Bucharest, considers
personality as the ideal of education. By the way he defines it, he manages to overpass and to mingle the
claims of the individualists and of the social pedagogy. At the core of his definition, one can find the
phrase "the calling-profession?.

Constantin Narly (1896-1956), profesor la Universitatile din Cernauti si Bucuresti, considera
personalitatea ca ideal al educatiei. Prin definitia data acesteia, el reuseste sa depaseasca si sa
armonizeze pozitiile pedagogiei individualitatii si pedagogiei sociale. În miezul acestei definitii se gaseste
sintagma ?profesie-vocatie?.

Dimitrie Gusti's contribution to the development of romanian social pedagogy
(Universitatea din Pitesti, Str. Tg. din Vale, nr.1, Pitesti e-mail: claudiulanga@yahoo.com)
Vol LIX • No. 2/2007
Claudiu Langa
Universitatea din Pitesti, Str. Tg. din Vale, nr.1, Pitesti
e-mail: claudiulanga@yahoo.com

Keywords   social pedagogy, people's education, social service, mass culture, social university.

Author of a coherent sociologic system, D. Gusti brought important contributions to the development of
Romanian social pedagogy. He affirmed himself, as a social pedagogue, through his activity as an
organizer of people culture, following the extension of the educative action especially among peasants.
Since early 1910, the initiator of Sociologic School in Bucharest has placed mass cultural activity at the
level of some permanent preoccupations and activities, guided by a new discipline, social pedagogy.

Autor al unui sistem sociologic coerent, Dimitrie Gusti a adus contributii notabile la dezvoltarea
pedagogiei sociale românesti. El s-a afirmat, ca pedagog social, prin activitatea sa de organizator al
culturii poporului, urmarind extinderea actiunii educative, în special asupra satului. Înca din 1910,
initiatorul Scolii sociologice de la Bucuresti situa activitatea culturala de masa la nivelul unor
preocupari si activitati permanente, calauzita de o disciplina noua: pedagogia sociala.

A general overview on qualifications issue in contemporary higher education

(Agentia Nationala pentru Calificare în Învatamântul Superior si Parteneriat cu Mediul Economic si Social, Bd. Schitu Magureanu nr.1, Bucuresti e-mail: cosmina.mironov@apart.ro e-mail: anca.borzea@apart.ro)
Vol LIX • No. 2/2007
Cosmina Mironov, Anca Borzea
Agentia Nationala pentru Calificare în Învatamântul Superior si Parteneriat cu Mediul Economic si
Social, Bd. Schitu Magureanu nr.1, Bucuresti
e-mail: cosmina.mironov@apart.ro
e-mail: anca.borzea@apart.ro

Keywords   qualifications, competences, training, Bologna Process, National Qualifications
Framework in Higher Education.

This paper presents in a scientific approach the issue of the higher education qualifications within the
European and the national background. Nowadays, it emerges the need for developing coherent and
transparent university professional qualifications compatible with the principles of the European
Framework of Qualifications which will facilitate the mobility of students, graduates and labour force in
the European area and their insertion on the European labour market by offering the necessary tools for
comparing and recognizing the qualifications.

Aceasta lucrare prezinta, în forma unei abordari stiintifice, problematica calificarilor din învatamântul
superior în contextul european si national. În prezent, emerge nevoia dezvoltarii de calificari universitare
profesionale coerente si transparente compatibile cu principiile Cadrului European al Calificarilor care
faciliteaza mobilitatea studentilor, a absolventilor si a fortei de munca în aria europeana si insertia pe
piata muncii prin oferirea de instrumente necesare pentru compararea si recunoasterea calificarilor.

The new economy and education investment

(Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, nr. 39, Ploiesti e-mail: ionbucur2006@yahoo.com Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, nr. 39, Ploiesti e-mail: cristi@basetrading.ro)
Vol LIX • No. 2/2007
Ion Bucur, Cristian Bucur
Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, nr. 39, Ploiesti
e-mail: ionbucur2006@yahoo.com
Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, nr. 39, Ploiesti
e-mail: cristi@basetrading.ro

Keywords   "new economy?, "globalization?, information, communication, human capital, total
quality management.

The new economy concept is about information and communications technology, domain which gives a
practical access for all kind of information. The new economy determines reorganization of economic
activity and changes in economic politics, standard of life, education etc.The new technologies from
computer science and communication domain stimulate the economic growth and labor force occupation.
The growth of efficiency by using labor force necessitates investments in human capital that may reduce
the unemployment crises. Technologies from communications and computer sciences domain offers
development perspectives to less developed countries with condition to invest in research infrastructure,
development and in human capital.

Conceptul de noua economie vizeaza tehnologiile din domeniul informatiilor si comunicatiilor care
înlesnesc accesul practic la toate tipurile de informatii. Noua economie determina restructurarea
activitatii economice si modificari în politicile economice, nivelul de trai, învatamânt.

Comparative research for restructuring the educational system
(*Scoala Generala nr. 28 Nicolae Simache, str. Malu Rosu, nr. 102, Ploiesti e-mail: gina_baciu@yahoo.com **Scoala Generala Vistieru, com. Sotrile, jud. Prahova e-mail: primaprintesa@yahoo.com)
Vol LIX • No. 2/2007
Eugenia Baciu*, Luminita Nitoi**
*Scoala Generala nr. 28 Nicolae Simache, str. Malu Rosu, nr. 102, Ploiesti
e-mail: gina_baciu@yahoo.com
**Scoala Generala Vistieru, com. Sotrile, jud. Prahova
e-mail: primaprintesa@yahoo.com

Keywords   questionnaire, comparative study, favourite subjects, necessary time for learning, attitude
towards school.

Our research was meant to analyze the student's desire to study, their needs (time, useful subjects for
their future career) and their attitude towards school, teachers and the subjects they study. The results
showed a change in student's attitude towards the process of learning. For them it is important to have
the basic knowledge that will help them to manage in life.The comparative study of the students' needs,
interests' and desires' from two schools situated in different social environements ( the rural and the
urban environement ) had as purpose the identification of some possible causes which may appear into
the communicational stopping teacher-student, but also some possible methods of improving the
interpersonal relations from the educational system.The presentation of the obtained data after the
documentary trip, but also their analyse may be an alternative to the conflictual stereotype of the ?
teacher-student relationship?.The application of the questionnaire on a relatively small sample of
students ( only 120 ) is just a first step towards a larger, more detailed research on a quite disputed topic
as it is this one ?Present and future in the harmonization teacher-student realtionships in the Romanian
educational system?.

Cercetarea a fost conceputa pentru a analiza dorinta de studiu a elevilor, nevoile lor (timpul necesar
studiului, materiile preferate), precum si atitudinea lor fata de scoala, fata de profesori si fata de
materiile pe care ei le studiaza. Rezultatele au demonstrat o schimbare în atitudinea elevilor fata de
procesul de învatare, aceea de a avea cunostintele necesare pentru a se orienta în viata. Studiul
comparativ al nevoilor, intereselor si preocuparilor elevilor din doua scoli apartinând unor medii
sociale diferite ( mediul rural si mediul urban ) a avut ca scop identificarea unor posibile cauze care
apar în blocajul comunicational profesor-elev, dar si posibile metode de îmbunatatire a relatiilor
interpersonale din cadrul sistemului educativ. Prezentarea datelor obtinute în urma excursiei de
documentare, cât si analiza datelor de teren ar putea constitui o alternativa la stereotipul conflictual al
?relatiilor profesor-elev ?. Aplicarea chestionarului pe un lot relativ restrâns de elevi
( numai 120 ) este doar un prim pas pentru o cercetare mai ampla, mai detaliata a unui subiect destul de
controversat astazi, si anume ? Actual si viitor în armonia relatiilor profesor-elev în sistemul
educational românesc?.

Physical education in technical university educational system

(Universitatea Petrol ? Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti nr. 39, Ploiesti e-mail: finichiu1@yahoo.com)
Vol LIX • No. 2/2007
Marin Finichiu
Universitatea Petrol ? Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti nr. 39, Ploiesti
e-mail: finichiu1@yahoo.com

Keywords   physical education, physical education lesson, objectives, physical exercise.

Sport and physical education´s activity contains a great variety of forms of manifestation but also a great
number of students more a less physically capable willing to emprove their physical condition and
competitive experience in curent and systematic use of lessons of physical education a through the system
of organisation of student sport competitions.

Activitatea de educatie fizica si sport contine o mare varietate de manifestari dar, de asemenea, si un
numar mare de studenti mai mult sau mai putin capabili fizic care sunt doritori sa îsi îmbunatateasca
conditia fizica si experienta competitiva prin folosirea curenta si sistematica a lectiilor de educatie fizica
si prin sistemul de organizare a competitiilor studentesti.

Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life
(Universitatea Petrol ? Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti 39, Ploiesti Institutul de Filosofie si Psihologie din cadrul Academiei Române, Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 13, Bucuresti, România e-mail: amarhan@acm.org)
Vol LIX • No. 2/2007
Ana-Maria Marhan
Universitatea Petrol ? Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti 39, Ploiesti
Institutul de Filosofie si Psihologie din cadrul Academiei Române, Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 13,
Bucuresti, România
e-mail: amarhan@acm.org

Keywords   flow, consciousness, enjoyment, everyday life

"What is a good life??. This answer has a simple, but important message: for several decades now, the
author has argued that secret of good life engage the ability of the person who find, in his or hers daily
live, a proper balance between skills and challenges. The experience of flow is the sense of effortless
action that is sometimes experienced by people who are deeply involved in an enjoyable activity. We all
experience flow which adds to the richness of life. By identifying it's sources and understanding it's
benefits we can try to find to find more flow experiences and thus further increasing the quality of our

"Ce înseamna o viata buna??. Mesajul central al cartii este extrem de important: secretul unei vieti
bune, sustine autorul, consta în abilitatea fiecaruia dintre noi de a gasi un echilibru optim între propriile
abilitati si deprinderi si provocarile la care trebuie sa facem fata în viata de fiecare zi. Starea de flux
înseamna tocmai sentimentul pe care îl traim atunci când realizarea unei activitati pare ca nu solicita
nici un fel de efort, fiind complet absorbiti într-o activitate placuta. Fiecare dintre noi traim o astfel de
stare în activitatile pe care le realizam si care ne îmbogatesc viata de zi cu zi. De aceea, a întelege care
sunt sursele acestei stari speciale, precum si care sunt beneficiile sale reprezinta conditia necesara
pentru a încerca sa cream în mod constient cât mai multe ocazii de aparitie a fluxului si ameliorare a
calitatii vietii noastre de fiecare zi.

Guidance and diversity. Research and application, Iaevg International Conference, University of Padova, 4 - 6 september 2007
(Universitatea Petrol - Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, nr. 39, Ploiesti e-mail: rocatare@yahoo.com)
Vol LIX • No. 2/2007
Roxana Tudorica
Universitatea Petrol - Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, nr. 39, Ploiesti
e-mail: rocatare@yahoo.com

Keywords   Skill, metacognition, transference in the use of the methods and strategies of exploration,
intervention and evaluation, acute vision

Can our vocational guidance models and our methodologies underscore differences and adequately
respond to them? Through which qualitative and quantitative procedures of vocational guidance is it
possible to highlight people`s specificity? If the presence of specificity and diversity foretells
unsatisfactory educational and occupational pathways for people, what can vocational guidance do about
it? How should the issue of evaluation of career counseling efficacy and its ability to induce at least
sufficient levels of well-being and satisfaction be dealt with? They are indeed thorny questions.

Pot modelele de ghidare vocationala si metodologia sa sublinieze diferentele si sa le raspunda în mod
adecvat? Prin ce proceduri calitative si cantitative de ghidare vocationala e posibil sa subliniem
specificacitatea indivizilor. Daca prezenta specificitatii si a diversitatii creeaza cai educationale si
ocupationale nesatisfacatoare pentru oameni, ce poate face ghidarea vocationala pentru asta? Cum am
putea sa tratam problema eficacitatii evaluarii consilierii în cariera si abilitatea sa de a induce nivele cel
putin suficiente ale bunastarii si satisfactiei? Sunt întrebari ce presupun raspunsuri dificile.

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