Current Status of Counseling in Greece: Training and Practice in The Public and Private Sector. The Promising Future??..
(Psychologist, Family Therapist, M.A., Athens, Greece e-mail:
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Chougia Angeliki M.A.
Psychologist, Family Therapist, M.A., Athens, Greece
Keywords counselling, career counselling, counseling services
Counselling in Greece is quite a new profession, if we consider that the formal body, named Greek
Association of Counselling was founded in 1994. The purpose of the organisation is the development and
recognition of Counselling as a profession in Greece. Things have been difficult. Training is offered mainly
through private centres, offering counselling training in different approaches, for example, client centered,
gestalt, integrated approach etc. Some of these training programs are accredited through universities from
abroad. In the public sector fewer opportunities are offered.
Counselling practice is offered by quite a number of private counsellors. The Association counts 145
Members. Most private schools offer counselling and career counselling to their students. Many private
companies have Human Resource Departments offering training and support to their employees. In the
public sector there are quite a number of agencies, mainly through hospitals, that offer counselling
Future sounds promising for Counselling in Greece: there is an attitude change regarding the easiness of
seeking professional help; more and more schools, companies, hospitals and other agencies offer
counselling services but most importantly, prevention through counselling is gaining ground.
Consilierea în Grecia este o profesie relativ noua, daca luam în considerare ca organul formal, numit
?Asociatia De Consiliere din Grecia? a fost fondat în 1994. Scopul organizatiei este dezvoltarea si
recunoasterea consilierii ca profesie în Grecia. Începutul a fost dificil. Instruirea este oferita în principal
în centre private care abordeaza consilierea din directii diferite, de exemplu consilierea centrata pe client,
abordarea structurala, abordarea integrata etc. Unele dintre aceste programe de instruire sunt acreditate
prin intermediul universitatilor din strainatate. În sectorul public sunt oferite mai putine oportunitati.
Practica în domeniul consilierii este oferita de un numar important de consilieri privati. Asociatia numara
145 de membri. Majoritatea scolilor private ofera elevilor consiliere si consiliere vocationala. Multe companii private au departamente de resurse umane care ofera instruire si sprijin angajatilor lor. În
sectorul public exista un numa mare de agentii, majoritatea în spitale, care ofera servicii de consiliere.
Viitorul suna promitator pentru consiliere în Grecia: se observa o schimbare de atitudine privind usurinta
de a cauta ajutor specializat; din ce în ce mai multe scoli, companii, spitale si alte agentii ofera servicii de
consiliere dar cel mai important, prevenirea prin consiliere câstiga teren.