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Bulletin Vol. LX - No. 1C/2008

Counseling in the United States
(University of Phoenix e-mail: gil.linne@phoenix.edu)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Gil Linne
University of Phoenix
e-mail: gil.linne@phoenix.edu

Keywords   counseling, accreditation, online, curriculum, internship

Ce înseamna sa fii "consilier?? Este o profesiune administrativa sau o profesiune care se ocupa cu
ajutorarea celor cu probleme de sanatate mentala? Aceasta prezentare se va referi la consiliere din
punctul de vedere al Consilierului educator. Vor fi abordate probleme ca: Cum poti "crea? un consilier?
Care sunt cele mai bune modalitati de educare a consilierilor din perspectiva dezvoltarii curriculare, a
practicii de specialitate, a regulilor, a cursurilor online? Cum se pot promova în mod eficient amploarea
si relevanta profesiunii de consilier?

Professional Ethics: The Cornerstone of the Counseling Profession
(*College of William & Mary e-mail: cfgres@wm.edu ** Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti e-mail: szilagyi@nbcc.org)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Charles F. Gressard*, Andreea Szilagyi**
*College of William & Mary
e-mail: cfgres@wm.edu
** Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti
e-mail: szilagyi@nbcc.org

Keywords   counseling, profession, code of ethics

A code of ethics is a necessary part of educational professions. This article outlines the importance of
ethical codes, the philosophy of ethics, ethical principles, and the ethical topics that are usually
addressed in codes of ethics.

Un cod al eticii este necesar pentru toate profesiunile implicate în educatie. Acest articol subliniaza
importanta unui cod al eticii ca disciplina filosofica, a principiilor etice si a subiectelor specifice
domeniului eticii.

The Role of Mental Health Facilitators in Sustainable Health

(School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Minden, 11800 Penang, Malaysia. e-mail: cmsee@usm.my)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
See Ching Mey
School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Minden, 11800 Penang, Malaysia.
e-mail: cmsee@usm.my

Keywords   mental health, sustainable health, mental health facilitator

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently estimated that 450 million people worldwide suffer from
significant mental health problems [3]. WHO had earlier estimated that one in four people experienced
psychological distress that met the criteria for a diagnosable mental health disorder at some point in
their lives [4]. There is therefore an urgent need for trained helping professionals able to screen and then
provide help to individuals with mental health problems, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and
severe disaster-related stress. In response to this unmet need, the National Board of Certified Counselors
International (NBCC-I), an organization founded by professional counselors, is collaborating with WHO
to develop a Mental Health Facilitator (MHF) training program suitable for the training of mental health
facilitators all over the world that can ensure the availability of qualified individuals who can provide
effective, evidence-based and locally appropriate mental health care. This paper explores the role of such
mental health facilitators in the context of sustainable health in promoting mental health and wellness, in
providing crucial helping service and referral if necessary, and in being in the forefront in times of crises
and disasters.

Organizatia Mondiala a Sanatatii (OMS) a estimat recent ca 450 de milioane de oameni din întreaga
lume sufera de probleme semnificative în ceea ce priveste sanatatea mentala. OMS a estimate ca unul din
patru indivizi sufera de stress într-o masura care îl plaseaza în rândul celor ce pot fi diagnosticati ca
având probleme de sanatate mentala. De aceea este urgent sa instruim persoane care sa descopere si sa
ajute pe cei cu astfel de probleme. Ca atare, NBCC-International, o organizatie a consilierilor
colaboreaza cu OMS pentru a dezvolta un program de instruire a consilierilor care se ocupa cu
problemele de sanatate mentala. Acest studiu analizeaza rolul pe care acestia îl au în mentinerea si
promovarea sanatatii mentale a celor aflati în nevoie.

Innovation and Certification in Career Counseling and Management: the GCDF Contribution to Sustained Development in Portugal
(Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências (ISEC), Alameda das Linhas de Torres, 179, Lisboa, Portugal Email: agva@isec.universitas.pt)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Ana Teresa Gouveia
Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências (ISEC), Alameda das Linhas de Torres, 179, Lisboa, Portugal
Email: agva@isec.universitas.pt

Keywords   European labor market, sustained development, certification, professionalization

Under guidance and with cooperation of NBCC-International, the Institute for Education and Sciences,
Lisbon, is developing the first Career Counseling and Management program incorporating GCDF
training in Portugal. Expectations for attractiveness and success are great, as the labour market in
Portugal is in need of innovative and proactive approaches to replace old placement practices.
Concurrently, there is the need to provide professional certification to all those interested in working in
this area but that currently hold a variety of degrees. The program will bring together a multidisciplinary
approach with emphasis on the practicalities of finding employment in a growing economy.

It is then ISEC's ambition to provide to all those interested access to professionalization in
Career Counselling and Management in Portugal, through the offering of a Bologna second
cycle program of study, following an international established standard, and thus similar to
others that might develop in Europe. Our students will be offered the acquisition of a body of
specialized knowledge, access to professional activity regulated by ethical and social
responsibility principles, membership in a professional group that will work according to the
highest standards of training and qualification, and they will be able to maintain a critical and
reflexive attitude toward professional practice.

Current Status of Counseling in Greece: Training and Practice in The Public and Private Sector. The Promising Future??..
(Psychologist, Family Therapist, M.A., Athens, Greece e-mail: ahouya@otenet.gr)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Chougia Angeliki M.A.
Psychologist, Family Therapist, M.A., Athens, Greece
e-mail: ahouya@otenet.gr

Keywords   counselling, career counselling, counseling services

Counselling in Greece is quite a new profession, if we consider that the formal body, named Greek
Association of Counselling was founded in 1994. The purpose of the organisation is the development and
recognition of Counselling as a profession in Greece. Things have been difficult. Training is offered mainly
through private centres, offering counselling training in different approaches, for example, client centered,
gestalt, integrated approach etc. Some of these training programs are accredited through universities from
abroad. In the public sector fewer opportunities are offered.
Counselling practice is offered by quite a number of private counsellors. The Association counts 145
Members. Most private schools offer counselling and career counselling to their students. Many private
companies have Human Resource Departments offering training and support to their employees. In the
public sector there are quite a number of agencies, mainly through hospitals, that offer counselling
Future sounds promising for Counselling in Greece: there is an attitude change regarding the easiness of
seeking professional help; more and more schools, companies, hospitals and other agencies offer
counselling services but most importantly, prevention through counselling is gaining ground.

Consilierea în Grecia este o profesie relativ noua, daca luam în considerare ca organul formal, numit
?Asociatia De Consiliere din Grecia? a fost fondat în 1994. Scopul organizatiei este dezvoltarea si
recunoasterea consilierii ca profesie în Grecia. Începutul a fost dificil. Instruirea este oferita în principal
în centre private care abordeaza consilierea din directii diferite, de exemplu consilierea centrata pe client,
abordarea structurala, abordarea integrata etc. Unele dintre aceste programe de instruire sunt acreditate
prin intermediul universitatilor din strainatate. În sectorul public sunt oferite mai putine oportunitati.
Practica în domeniul consilierii este oferita de un numar important de consilieri privati. Asociatia numara
145 de membri. Majoritatea scolilor private ofera elevilor consiliere si consiliere vocationala. Multe companii private au departamente de resurse umane care ofera instruire si sprijin angajatilor lor. În
sectorul public exista un numa mare de agentii, majoritatea în spitale, care ofera servicii de consiliere.
Viitorul suna promitator pentru consiliere în Grecia: se observa o schimbare de atitudine privind usurinta
de a cauta ajutor specializat; din ce în ce mai multe scoli, companii, spitale si alte agentii ofera servicii de
consiliere dar cel mai important, prevenirea prin consiliere câstiga teren.    

Counseling Profession in Turkey
(Guidance and Counseling Program, Educational Sciences Department, College of Education Ege University, Izmir, Turkey e-mail: suleymandogan@yahoo.com)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Süleyman Dogan
Guidance and Counseling Program, Educational Sciences Department, College of Education Ege
University, Izmir, Turkey
e-mail: suleymandogan@yahoo.com

Keywords   counseling services, counselor education, guidance

This presentation will first summarize the historical development of counseling field in Turkey. Then, the
route of counselor education in Turkey will briefly be pointed out. Finally, the current issues and the
anticipated future developments of the counseling profession in Turkey will be mentioned.

Aceasta prezentare va trece în revista dezvoltarea consilierii în Turcia. Dupa aceea, va fi analizat pe
scurt modul în care s-a dezvoltat consilierea educationala. În final, vor fi mentionate problemele actuale
si posibilitatile de viitor ale dezvoltarii profesiunii de consilier în Turcia.

The Developing Career Counseling Profession in Bulgaria Introducing a Bottom-Up Approach For Bridging the Gap between Education and Labor Market
(Business Foundation for Education/ NBCC Bulgaria e-mail: nevena@jobtiger.bg)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Nevena Rakovska
Business Foundation for Education/ NBCC Bulgaria
e-mail: nevena@jobtiger.bg

Keywords   career counseling, Career guidance, counseling services

The paper presents the development of the career counseling and the unique approach introduced to
promote and recognize the profession in Bulgaria. Nowadays, due to these efforts career services are
offered in various settings addressing the needs of different groups of clients. The main challenges and
perspectives for career professionals are focused ? such as increasing the quality of services and
strengthening the institutional capacity of the professional organization.

Studiul prezinta dezvoltarea consilierii în cariera precum si abordarea unica introdusa pentru a promova
si recunoaste aceasta profesie în Bulgaria. În prezent, datorita acestor eforturi, serviciile vocationale
sunt oferite prin intermediul unor institutii diferite, în functie de nevoile diferitelor grupuri de clienti.
Provocarea majora si de perspectiva pentru consilierea în cariera este reprezentata de cresterea calitatii
serviciilor oferite si de dezvoltarea capacitatii institutionale ale profesiunii.

Counseling in Europa: Current Status and Future Challenges
(Consilierea în Europa: Statut curent si provocari viitoare)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Hans-Jürgen Weißbach
Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main ? University for Applied Sciences, Department of Economy and
Law, Nibelungenplatz 1, 60318 Frankfurt (Germany)
email: weissbach@ife-frankfurt.net


The paper presents the current status of the counseling services in Europe. The attempt to compare the
development in the various countries is not an easy undertaking because the institutional and
professional structures are differing from country to country. It is questionable whether they do converge
to common professional standards, or not. This refers to East-West differences as well as to differences
between countries with different welfare states or neo-liberal regulation models, or to differences due to
existing national professional protection zones. The existence of many different academic and noneacademic
,schools' may become an obstacle of the spread of a clear-cut practical concept of counseling.
However, the question is whether we need a ,fullly professional' approach in the helping services.

Articolul prezinta statutul curent al serviciilor de consiliere în Europa. Încercarea de a compara
dezvoltarea în diverse tari nu este o sarcina simpla deoarece structurile institutionale si profesionale
difera de la tara la tara. Este discutabil daca ele converg spre standarde profesionale comune sau nu.
Acest lucru se refera la diferente între Est ? Vest, ca si la diferente între tari cu sisteme diferite de
asistenta sociala sau cu modele de reglementare neo-liberale, sau diferente datorate zonelor nationale de
protectie profesionala existente. Existenta multor ?scoli? cu statut academic sau non-academic poate
deveni un obstacol în calea raspândirii unui concept practic clar al consilierii. Totusi, întrebarea este
daca avem nevoie de o abordare ?deplin profesionala? în serviciile de ajutor.

Career Decisions in Romania; Analysis from the Perspective of Positive Uncertainty Theory
(Deciziile în cariera în România; analiza din perspectiva teoriei incertitudinii pozitive)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Emil Stan*, Andreea Szilagyi**
* Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti
e-mail: estan10@yahoo.com
** Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti
e-mail: szilagyi@nbcc.org

Keywords   career counseling, career decision, labor market

Before 1989 the communist regime has determined significantly way individual career decisions; the
individual lived in a world full of certainties. After 1989 career decisions are more randomly taken by youth;
the individual lives now in a world full of uncertainties and "phobias? (Gelatt). The paper is aiming to
present the most important aspects related to the labor market trends in Romania, in relationship with the
certain need for career counseling services that manifest in the educational system and in the business sector
as well.

Înainte de 1989 regimul comunist decidea într-o masura semnificativa modul în care individul îsi alegea
cariera; individul traia într-o lume plina de certitudini. Dupa 1989 deciziile în cariera sunt influentate
semnificativ de întâmplare. Individul traieste acum într-o lume plina de incertitudini si "fobii?. Lucrarea îsi
propune sa prezinte cele mai importante aspecte ale pietei muncii în România în relatie cu nevoia de
asigurare a serviciilor de consiliere vocationala în scoli si sectorul de afaceri.

School counseling in Romania. Realities and further prospects
(Consilierea scolara în România. Realitati si perspective)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Gheorghe Tomsa
University of Bucharest, Bd. M. Kogalniceanu, No.34 - 36, sector 5, Bucharest
e-mail: gheorghetomsa@yahoo.com

Keywords   school counseling, career counseling and guidance

School Counseling emerged and developed in Romania in the early 1990 ies as an intensive process of
psycho-pedagogical assistance for students and the other persons involved in the educational process
(teachers, parents and other school authorities).Owing to didactic as well as systematic reasons, our
study is structured along four major directions: a) the content of the school counseling activity; b)
building up and developing of the counseling institutionalized network; c) providing professional trening
and employment for counselors; d) future prospects of school counseling in Romania.

Consilierea scolara a aparut si s-a dezvoltat în România dupa 1990, ca un proces intensiv de acordare a
asistentei psihopedagogice elevilor si celorlalte persoane implicate în activitatea instructiv ? educativa
(profesori, parinti sau tutori si autoritati scolare). Din ratiuni didactice si de sistematizare, studiul nostru
este structurat în patru directii de expunere: a) continutul activitatii de consiliere scolara; b) construirea
si dezvoltarea retelei institutionale de consiliere; c) formarea profesionala si angajarea consilierilor; d)
perspectivele consilierii scolare în România.

Employment Counseling for the Workforce Development The Role of the Public Employment Services (PES)
(Consilierea vocationala pentru dezvoltarea fortei de munca Rolul Serviciului Public al Fortei de Munca)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Luminita Danes
Head of Career Guidance and Counseling Department, National Agency for Employment
e-mail: luminita.danes@anofm.ro

Keywords   vocational counselors, career counselors, counseling services

One answer to the question of what should be the role of the employment counselor is to be found in an
interpretation of the kinds of roles counselors have developed out of their experience in making adjustments
and adaptations to the realities of their work and to the problems that they have encountered. There are five
interconnected functions in counseling roles which provide one with a useful framework for thinking about
counseling. These functions are: (1) teaching, (2) behavior change, (3) socio-emotional support, (4) decisionmaking,
problem solving, planning, and (5) advocacy. Each of these functions is discussed in relation to
public employment counseling, particularly experimental and demonstration experiences or projects dealing
with the disadvantaged. The analysis of the above functions has described three functions (behavior change,
decision-making, and advocacy) which fall within the purview of the professional counselor, one (teaching)
within the purview of the non-professional, and one (social-emotional support) within the role of the worker.

O problema importanta este aceea a consonantei dintre competentele unui consilier vocational si situatiile cu
care se întâlneste în exercitarea profesiunii. Exista cinci functii interconexate care configureaza un cadru util
în abordarea consilierii. Aceste functii sunt: (1) predarea, (2) schimbarea comportamentului, (3) sprijinul
socio ? emotional, (4) capacitatile de a planifica, a rezolva probleme si a lua decizii, (5) sustinerea. Fiecare
dintre aceste functii este analizata cu referire la implicatiile sale practice, mai ales în planul interactiunii cu
persoanele dezavantajate.

Ethical Directions in Counseling
(Directive etice în consiliere)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Mihaela Soltuzu
University of Bucharest, Sos. Panduri, No. 90
e-mail: mihaeleles@yahoo.com

Keywords   ethical directions, counseling, values, principles, concepts

The paper aims to present the ethical directions in counseling, and their importance in counseling
relation. Ethical counseling values, concepts and practices are also revised. Practical ethical principles
and moral principles, ethical values and codes form the heart of counseling.

Lucrarea vrea sa prezinte directiile etice în consiliere si importanta lor în relatia de consiliere. Sunt
trecute în revista valori etice, concepte si practici de consiliere. Principiile etice de practica împreuna cu
principiile morale, valorile si codurile etice formeaza inima consilierii.

The Role of Career Planning in Searching for the First Job
(Rolul planificarii în cariera pentru absolventii de universitate în cautarea primului loc de munca)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Nicoleta Litoiu
Ph.D., Lecturer, Teacher Training Department, Coordinator of Career Guidance and Counseling Center,
University Politehnica of Bucharest
e-mail: llitoiu@yahoo.com

Keywords   career counseling; career planning; career management; first job;career strategy

The beginning of a new professional position and setting goals for the first year on the job could
represent the most important steps in professional development. The graduate is facing with a new
reality, a different work environment with fundamental differences between university and economic
realities of contemporary work life. In the context of lifelong learning society, despite the general
competences and professional expertise, building a career implies on-going training and commitment.
This paper builds upon those issues concerning the strategies for adjusting to a new professional job and
the first year, thoughts about quitting or staying at the first job, the emotions and feelings normally
accompanying the process of professional employment in the first year after graduation.

Debutul într-o noua pozitie profesionala si fixarea scopurilor pentru primul an de munca pot reprezenta
cei mai importanti pasi în dezvoltarea profesionala de mai târziu. Absolventul se confrunta în aceasta
situatie cu o noua realitate, cu un mediu de munca diferit, care înregistreaza schimbari fundamentale
între universitate si realitatile vietii contemporane. În contextul unei societati care valorizeaza învatarea
permanta, în afara competentelor generale si a expertizei profesionale, construirea unei cariere implica
pregatire continua si responsabilizare. Lucrarea de fata îsi propune sa abordeze strategiile de ajustare la
specificul unui nou loc de munca, cu toate gândurile si emotiile care însotesc procesul de insertie
profesionala în primul an, imediat dupa absolvire.

How to handle your disability while you look for work - the creative way
(Cum sa îti depasesti dizabilitatile într-un mod creativ în timp ce îti cauti un loc de munca)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Roxana Adriana Patras
Special School, N02, Ploiesti
e-mail: roxanapatras@yahoo.com

Keywords   disability, strength, weakness, job, contact

The paper aims to present the best way to handle your disability while you look for work the creative
way. For a real success you have to know some steps: What (what do you want to do?), Where (where do
you want to do it?) and How (how do you obtain such a job?).

În cadrul acestui articol sunt prezentati trei pasi importanti care ar trebui urmati de persoanele cu
dizabilitati atunci când vor sa obtina o slujba.
Acesti pasi sunt: - Ce slujba vrei sa ai?
- Unde vrei sa ai aceasta slujba?
Roxana Adriana Patras 109
- Cum obtii o astfel de slujba?
Primul pas se refera la punctele tale slabe/forte, aptitudini/talente, pe care sa le ai în vedere atunci când
cauti o slujba. Cel de-al doilea pas te face sa te gândesti unde îti pui în aplicare aptitudinile; al treilea
pas îti arata modul în care sa obtii slujba dorita. Fiecare pas prezinta la rândul sau câteva
provocari/impedimente pe care le întâmpina de obicei persoanele cu dizabilitati si totodata ofera si o
alternativa de raspuns la aceste provocari/impedimente. Urmarind astfel pasii prezentati în articol ar
trebui ca o persoana cu dizabilitati sa nu mai întâmpine probleme în gasirea unei slujbe.

The Need for Psychological Counseling of Families of Temporary Labor Migrants
(Nevoia de consiliere psihologica a persoanelor afectate de migratia economica temporara)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Raluca Tomsa
Titu Maiorescu University, Calea Vacaresti no.187, sector 4, Bucharest
e-mail: raluca.tomsa@utm.ro

Keywords   temporary labor migration, career, psychological counseling

The paper aims at presenting the social, economical and psychological factors that determine the
decision for temporary labor migration. This decision is more than a switch on the career path that
millions of people take every year. Our focus will be on the use of career counseling for those choosing
temporary economic migration, and more so on the need for psychological counseling for both migrants
and their families left behind.

Lucrarea îsi propune sa prezinte factorii determinanti sociali, economici si psihologici ai deciziei pentru
migratia economica temporara. Aceasta optiune este mai mult decât o schimbare în cariera pe care
milioane de oameni o fac în fiecare an. Atentia noastra se va concentra pe consilierea carierei
persoanelor care doresc sa lucreze în strainatate temporar si mai ales, pe nevoia de consiliere
psihologica atât a lucratorului, cât si a familiei ramase în tara de origine.

The CV and Covering Letter, a Crucial Step in Achieving a Job
(CV-ul si scrisoarea de intentie, un pas crucial în obtinerea unei slujbe)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Cristina Simona Bondar

Keywords   Curriculum Vitae, Covering Letter

This paper will present the importance of a successful CV and covering letter . Another aspect of the
paper will contain information about CV?s types , about some of the common mistakes which could
appear in CV and covering letter and some advices for valuables documents of self presentation.

Aceasta lucrare prezinta importanta unui CV de succes si a unei scrisori de intentie reusite. Un alt aspect
al lucrarii va fi legat de tipurile de Cv-uri, de diversele greseli care pot sa apara în Curriculum Vitae si
scrisoarea de intentie precum si câteva sfaturi pentru a avea niste documente valoroase.

Aspects Regarding the Educational Counseling Of High Ability Children
(Aspecte privind consilierea educationala a copiilor supradotati)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Teodora Draghicioiu
Centrul Judetean deAsistenta Psihopedagogica Prahova, Str. Bobâlna, nr.26, Ploiesti
e-mail: t_draghicioiu@yahoo.com

Keywords   psychopedagogical counseling, high ability students

The paper contains a brief study of the general aspect that outlines the counseling of high ability students
at the national and international level. The research method was based on a case study of several
countries from Europe, representatives for this domain of educational psychology. We proposed the
identification of some educational policies and studies which have as a basis the initiation of some
coherent programmes for the counselling of speciality of high ability students. The conclusions of the
case studies can constitute a foreward in the elaboration at the level of our country of some projects that
can permit the offering of some councelling services for the high ability students that should be efficient
and adopted to their psychological structure.

Materialul cuprinde un studiu succint al aspectelor generale care contureaza consilierea copiilor
supradotati atât la nivel national, cât si internttional. Metoda de cercetare s-a bazat pe studiul de caz al
mai multor tari din Europa, reprezentative pentru acest domeniu al psihologiei educatiei. Ne-am propus
identificarea unor politici si strategii educationale care au ca fundament initierea unor programe de
coerente pentru consilierea de specialitate a copiilor supradotati. Concluziile studiilor de caz pot
constitui un punct de reper în vederea elaborarii la nivelul tarii noastre a unor proiecte care sa permita
oferirea unor servicii de consiliere ( pentru copiii supradotati) eficiente si adaptate profilului lor

Being a GCDF in Ploiesti: Opportunities and Threats
(Absolventul GCDF în Ploiesti: oportunitati si riscuri)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Liviu Gelu Draghici*, George Iulian Sîrbu**
*Universitatea Petrol ? Gaze Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti 39, Ploiesti
e-mail: lg_draghici@yahoo.com
**Universitatea Petrol ? Gaze Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti 39, Ploiesti
e-mail: sirbuiulian_g@yahoo.com

Keywords   career counseling, labor market,GCDF certificate

The paper comprises the chances of a GCDF certificate holder to practice career iounseling in Ploiesti.
Taking into account the iounseling market situation (a potential market and an effective one),
furthermore taking into account the mentality of the people and that of the employers in Ploiesti
regarding this type of services, the paper gives full particulars of the two possibilities a graduate has:
employment or formation of one's own company. Each of the above mentioned options has been analysed
in view of the opportunities and threats deriving from the socio-cultural and economical context existing
within the examined geographical area. The final part contains the authors' recommendations on how a
career counselor, whishing to exercise his or her activity in Ploiesti, should act and perform.

Aceasta lucrare prezinta sansele unui detinator al certificatului GCDF de a profesa în domeniul
consilierii în cariera in Municipiul Ploiesti. Luând în considerare situatia pietei de consiliere (potentiale
si efective), mentalitatea populatiei si a angajatorilor din Municipiu cu privire la acest tip de servicii,
lucrarea detaliaza cele doua posibilitati ale absolventului: angajarea sau înfiintarea unei firme proprii.
Fiecare dintre optiuni este analizata tinând seama de oportunitatile si amenintarile care deriva din
contextul socio-cultural si economic existent în aria geografica cercetata. În final sunt prezentate
recomandarile autorilor cu privire la directia în care ar trebui sa actioneze un consilier GCDF interesat
sa-si desfasoare activitatea în Ploiesti.

The Adviser's Skills in the Interpersonal Conflict
(Competentele consilierului în rezolvarea conflictului interpersonal)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Corina Iurea
Titu Maiorescu University, Calea Vacaresti no.187, sector 4, Bucharest
e-mail: corinaiurea@yahoo.com

Keywords   communication, conflict, interaction

Communication is central to all interpersonal conflicts. Interaction with others both generates
conflict and provides the means to manage conflicts. Interaction between people creates the
opportunity for conflict between them. That is, partners infer that they are in conflict by observing
each other's symbolic behavior. Likewise, our intention to express anxiety, frustration, desire,
resentment, anger, and so forth with the other person is made known through communication. When
we confront conflict issues, they become explicit in the exchange of messages. Conversely, we can
attempt to avoid disagreement by maneuvering around sensitive issues by carefully controlling what
we do and don't say.

Conflictele personale sunt recunoscute, exprimate si, în ultima instanta administrate prin intermediul
comunicarii. Astfel, a decoda mesajul transmis de un conflictrepreziinta o premisa esentiala a întelegerii si a
minimizarii acestuia.

The Current Status of The School Counseling in Romania
(Statutul actual al consilierului din România)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Anice Gabriela Dragoi
Technical College ,,Petru Maior?, B-dul Timisoara, No. 6, Bucuresti
e-mail: anicegabriala@yahoo.com

Keywords   counselors, identity, schools, helping professions

The presentation is focused on the legal context within the Romanian school counselors activate. Current
issues related to the professional identity, relationship with other helping professions activating in the
Romanian schools, involvement of the Ministry of Education and Research and of the Institute of
Educational Sciences are analyzed.

În acest articol sunt subliniate câteva aspecte legate de statutul consilierului scolar din România,
legaturile sale si raporturile stabilite între Ministerul Educatiei Cercetarii si Tineretului, Institutului de
Stiinte ale Educatiei si alte foruri cu care acesta este în relatii de subordonare organizatorica sau
metodologica. De asemenea, îsi propune sa sublinieze câteva aspecte ale activitatii desfasurate de acesta
în scoala, plusuri si minusuri întâmpinate.

The Assessment Center as a Tool in Career Counseling
(Centrul de evaluare ca instrument in consilierea carierei)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Ioana Panc
Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest, Center for Career and Psychological Counseling
e-mail: ioana.panc@utm.ro

Keywords   assessment center, career counseling, career counseling center

The paper aims to present the assessment center method as an instrument used for evaluation in the
career counseling process. The procedure, the advantages and limits of the method are presented. The
paper also includes some best practices concluded after using the assessment center method in evaluation
in the Center for Career and Psychological Counseling at Titu Maiorescu University.

Lucrarea de fata îsi propune o prezentare a metodei Centrului de evaluare ca instrument folosit în
evaluare în procesul de consiliere a carierei. Sunt discutate procedura de aplicare, avantajele si limitele
metodei. Lucrarea include si câteva sugestii de bune practici extrase din experienta de utilizare a metodei
centrului de evaluare în procese de consiliere a carierei în cadrul Centrului de Consultanta Psihologica
si Orientare în Cariera din cadrul Universitatii Titu Maiorescu.

Development and Talent Indentification Tool
(Dezvoltarea si instrumentele de identificare a talentului)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Simona Chesaraicu
Human Resources IKEA Bucharest Store
e-mail: Simona.chesaraicu@ikea.ro

Keywords   talent, development, employee

This presentation will discuss aspects of development process in a young organization, it will present how to
make a good development plan and point on the importance of counseling in this process.
"Talent identification tool? it is an instrument that will be present as an example, describing the Human
Resources personnel effort to put the right people in the right place inside the organization and to identity
talents and ways to put this talents in organization's service.

Lucrarea va prezenta aspecte ale procesului de dezvoltare într-o organizatie tânara, va prezenta cum se face
un bun plan de dezvoltare si importanta consilierii în acest proces.
"Talent identification tool? este un instrument prezentat ca exemplu al încercarilor Departamentului de
Resurse umane de a gasi în interiorul organizatiei oamenii potriviti pentru pozitiile potrivite , de a descoperi
talente care pot fi puse în serviciul organizatiei.

Career Development Interventions in the Romanian Businesses Environment
(Interventii pentru dezvoltarea carierei în mediul de afaceri din România)
Vol LX • No. 1C/2008
Iuliana Sara*, Amalia Stanciu**
*Active Labs, Tg. Mures, Romania
e-mail: iulia.sara@activelabs.ro
**Syracuse University, New York, USA
e-mail: amaliastanciu@yahoo.com

Keywords   career development interventions, career development programs, career counseling, HR
programs, business environment

Career development interventions are becoming an interesting asset for Romanian companies with a
vision for growth through investing in the human capital. Career development programs developed in the
US over the last decades have been proven to be a salient condition in attracting and retaining employees
and therefore in achieving success in a competitive business environment. By considering these career
development interventions whose success is supported by empirical data and by adapting them to the
Romanian socio economic realities, career counselors and consultants can support local business growth.

Interventiile în cariera devin un instrument de interes pentru companiile din România care îsi doresc sa
creasca prin investitiile in capitalul uman. Programele de dezvoltare în cariera dezvoltate de SUA de-a
lungul ultimelor decenii s-au dovedit a fi o conditie semnificativa în atragerea si retentia angajatilor, si
implicit în atingerea si mentinerea succesului într-un mediu de afaceri competitiv precum cel din tara
noastra. Considerând aceste programe care sunt confirmate mai mult de date empirice si adaptându-le
le mediul socio-economic din România, consultantii în cariera pot ajuta mediul de afaceri local sa

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