Temperamental characteristics of pre-teens at risk of early school leaving
Radu Predoiu, Florin Pelin, Georgeta Mitrache, Corina Ciolcă, Dan Badea, Laurențiu Ticală, Marius Stoicescu, Alexandra Predoiu
National University of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest, 060057, Romania
School dropout represents a serious problem, being seen as a violation of moral norms. The aims of the investigation were to identify the temperament of pre-teens at risk of school dropout, and also to emphasize differences in temperament considering type of vulnerability. A sample of 302 pre-teens (158 boys and 144 girls), at risk of dropping out of school, took part in the study. The Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire - revised form (EATQ-R), calibrated for the Romanian population, has been used, measuring eleven temperament scales and two behavioral scales. First, the results for the thirteen scales were presented (at group level). With respect to the description of the evaluated constructs of EATQ-R it was underlined the importance of specialists to increase, in the case of pre-teens at risk of early school leaving: Activation level and Attention, and to decrease: Frustration, Fear, Aggression and Depressive Mood. Through single-factor multivariate analysis of variances, the types of vulnerabilities were compared (socially assisted students vs. students in which case a parent is working abroad vs. preadolescents from single-parent family vs. Roma people - socially assisted), from the point of view of the temperament and behavioral scales. The current research provides valuable data for specialists and parents, in order to positively influence preadolescents’ educational and social integration, knowing where to intervene (separately, for each type of vulnerability), in terms of temperamental characteristics.
Keywords: temperament; school dropout; preadolescents