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Journal Vol. VIII (LXX) - No. 1/2018

On empty pedagogy
Cristian Vasile
Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, nr, 39, Ploiesti, 100680, Romania
Nowadays education cannot be considered anymore as an isolated science using obsolete methods since most of its knowledge is rooted in philosophy, psychology, neuroscience and anthropology. The modern education is an integration of useful and active information from all the above mentioned sciences and much more. Brain research is used in order to a better understanding of learning; classic theories from psychology are “modernized” under the influences of the environmental shift; anthropological changes have to be considered from the educational view.
Keywords: education; integration; psychology; anthropology; neuroscience

Considering parenting styles in the motivational factors for choosing to become a kindergarten teacher
Yosi Yaffe, Aviva Dan
Ohalo Academic College, P.O.B. 222 Katzrin 129000, Israel
Tel-Hai Academic College, Qiryat Shemona, Israel
Background: The literature on pre-service education indicates that the choice to become a teacher is dependent on a number of factors: extrinsic, intrinsic, altruistic and outside influences, such as family, peers, teachers and others. This study tested the perceived influence of these variables among preservice kindergarten teachers, while specifically investigating the differential influence of the student’s parent as a function of his / her parenting style.
Method: Data were collected from 141 pre-service kindergarten teacher students from teacher-trainee academic college in Northern Israel. All participants were females whose age ranges from 19 to 46 (M=26.88, SD=5.84).
Results: The rating of the factors for choosing teaching as a profession among the students in descending order was: 1. Bonding with children 2. Educational impact 3. Professional motives 4. Socioeconomic security and exploiting the personal experience 5. Agents of influence (School and parents). As for the parental effect, it was found that kindergarten teacher trainees who perceived their parents as authoritative ascribed them as having a greater influence on their professional preferences than those who perceived their parents as non-authoritative. The authoritative group also considered their parents as being more influential than their educators.
Conclusion: Our findings suggest that parental influence on descendants’ teaching preferences should be considered in context of authoritative parenting which magnify the parental significance.
Keywords: Parenting styles; Authoritative; Kindergarten teacher; Motivations for teaching

Promoting the mathematics teacher self-identity. Design heuristics for didactical materials
Inés M. Gómez-Chacón
Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar, Mathematics Faculty, Complutense University of Madrid, Plaza de Ciencias 3, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Learning to teach is a complex process that has to be addressed from a holistic viewpoint, that taking into account different interrelated components: cognitive, didactic, technical and affective. In this paper, we report the development of tasks to promote the mathematics teacher self-identity in mathematical learning, within the context of teachers’ professional development in mathematics. A set of design heuristics for educative materials are presented to enhance the overall design of this kind of materials. A description is given of some examples of materials developed and used in the classroom with prospective teachers and teachers in-service. The research strategy is framed inside a Design- Based Research (DBR).
Keywords: mathematics teaching development; affect; teacher identity; affective domain; teacher education

School engagement and parent attachment as predictors of perceived competence in adolescents
Selen Demirtas-Zorbaz, Osman Zorbaz, Seval Kizildag
Ordu University, Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance, Ordu, Turkey
Giresun Family Court, Giresun, Turkey
Adiyaman University, Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance, Adiyaman, Turkey
The aim of this study is to determine the predictors of perceived competence in adolescents. There were two different study groups in the research. In the first study group, a total of 336 high school students, 194 (57.7%) female and 142 (42.3%) male, were studied on the adaptation study of the Short Form of Inventory Parent Attachment. In the second study group, in order to determine the predictors of perceived competence, with a total of 411 high school students, 233 women (56.7%) and 178 (43.3%) male students were studied on. The data were collected through Perceived Competence Scale, Scale for School Engagement and Short Form of Inventory Parent Attachment and Demographic Information Form. In this descriptive study, stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to determine the predictors of academic competence and social competence. According to the analysis results, internal engagement, program engagement, communication with mother, teacher engagement and trust to father significantly predict academic competence. However, internal engagement, trust to father, communication with the mother and administration engagement significantly predicted social competence. The findings of the study were discussed in the light of relevant literature and suggestions were presented.
Keywords: perceived competence; academic competence; social competence; school engagement; parent attachment; adolescents

Students’ views on ethical issues in Slovak education
Vasil Gluchman, Marta Gluchmanová
Institute of Ethics and Bioethics, University of Prešov, 17. Novembra 1, 080 78 Prešov, Slovakia
Department of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Technical University Košice, Byerova 1, 080 01 Prešov, Slovakia
The authors of the contribution closely follow the published results of their sociological research regarding views of Slovak teachers at primary and secondary schools in the area of relationships with students, parents, colleagues and superiors (Gluchman, & Gluchmanová, 2016). The present contribution analyses views of students at the second level of primary school and at secondary schools by means of evaluating their relationship to teachers, as well as relationships between parents and teachers while students’ views regarding the presence of violence and bullying at school are also addressed. The research results indicate that almost a third of students do not perceive their teachers as ethical models of behaviour and actions; moreover, they have also witnessed instances of corrupt behaviour on the part of teachers. On the other hand, almost two thirds of students appreciate that teachers, when addressing problems at school, proceed in accordance with ethical principles and norms. Unlike teachers, students do not believe serious problems are present when it comes to the behaviour of parents toward teachers. They, however, believe the behaviour of students towards teachers is a more problematic area.
Keywords: students; teachers; school; parents; education; Slovakia.

Examining the relationship between pre-service teachers’ entry characteristics and their academic achievement
Eric Anane
University of Cape Coast, Ghana
There is enthralling evidence from basic and secondary education that students’ entry characteristics influence academic achievement. There is also evidence, albeit limited, that pre-service teachers’ beliefs and values influence their academic performance. However, researchers have not been able to do much in terms of understanding the complex relationship between pre-service teachers’ entry characteristics and their achievement. This cross-sectional study, therefore, explores the relationship between pre-service teachers’ entry characteristics and their academic achievement in Colleges of Education. The extant data of 500 pre-service teachers, including their background characteristics such as entry aggregates, sex, and programme specialty were examined. The CGPA of four semesters work was used as a proxy for academic achievement of students. The results suggest that there was congruence between entry grades and academic achievement. Entry grades explained about 21.3% of the variation in pre-service teachers’ academic achievements in college. The study concludes with a request to teacher education colleges to have a critical look at the background characteristics of those they admit to be trained as future teachers. This will help the system guide pre-service teachers to connect new knowledge to earlier learning.
Keywords: pre-service teachers; entry grades; academic achievement; cross-sectional study

Link between lifestyle and self-regulated development as components of academic performance: basis for a psychoeducational intervention
Learni Bautista, Dennis Relojo, Sonia Janice Pilao, Glenda Tubon, Mylene Andal
Centro Escolar University, Manila, 1005, Philippines
Psychreg, London, RM13 9PT, United Kingdom
Students with differing profiles vary in their academic performance. The present study utilised an epistemological assessment of the students’ lifestyle according to a number of components. Consequently, a number of compelling results emerged. However, the stand-alone finding revealed that emotional support from teachers was not as effective as that from parents in predicting adolescent motivation in reference to their academic performance. Nonetheless, perceived academic support from teachers was helpful for adolescents in predicting stronger mastery goals. Support from peers worked as a buffer against maladaptive motivation, predicting weaker performance-avoidance goals and lower test anxiety. It is recommended to focus on pairing process of students’ academic performance to demographic characteristics, lifestyle, and personal perception.
Keywords: academic performance; psychoeducational intervention, university students

Irrational beliefs and perceived stress in adolescents: the role of self-esteem
Mehmet Ali Yildiz, Kemal Baytemir, Ayse Sibel Demirtas
Adiyaman University, Turkey
Amasya University, Turkey,
Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University, Turkey
Stress is a universal concept and all human beings have likely experience stress in their lifetime. The aim of this correlational study was to examine self-esteem in the relationship between irrational beliefs and perceived stress in adolescents. The data of the research were collected from adolescents studying in a high school located in the Southeastern Anatolia Region. The study group of the research consisted of a total 310 high school students, 177 female (57.1%) and 133 male (42.9%). The mean age of participants in the study was 16.43 (SD= 1.20). In order to gather data “Irrational Beliefs Scale for Adolescents”, “Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale” and “Perceived Stress Scale” were used as measures. In the analysis of the data, Pearson correlation analysis, descriptive statistics, Ordinary Least-Squares Regression and Bootstrap Method were used. According to the results of the research, the mediating role of self-esteem in the relationship between irrational beliefs and perceived stress was found statistically significant. The research findings were discussed within the context of the related literature and some suggestions were provided for researchers and practitioners in the field of mental health.
Keywords: Irrational beliefs; self-esteem; perceived stress; adolescents; the mediating role

The roles of attachment styles, anxiety, and communication skills in the prediction of self esteem in university students
Gülsen Büyüksahin Çevik
Adiyaman University, Turkey
The current research aims to examine the roles of attachment styles, anxiety, and communication skills in predicting university students’ self-esteem. Participants in the current research were a total of 410 individuals ( X age=21.68; Sd=1.81; range=18-32) including 210 women (51.2%) and 200 men (48.8%) attending the Adiyaman University, Turkey. Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, Relationship Scales Questionnaire, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Communication Skills Scale and Personal Information Form were used as instruments to collect data in the current research. Based on the research findings, research variables all together explain .249 % of the self-esteem. Secure attachment, fearful attachment, Active listening and non-verbal communication and willingness to communicate did not significantly predict self-esteem. Pre-occupied attachment, dismissing attachment, State anxiety, Communication guidelines and basic skills, Self-expression was found to significantly predict self-esteem.
Keywords: Self-esteem; attachment; State-Trait Anxiety; Communication Skills

An analysis of self-esteem variation related to social and enterprising personality type at the third age
Cristian Vasile
Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, nr, 39, Ploiesti, 100680, Romania
The study starts from three theories in psychology field and follow the implications of the major ideas of these approaches at the third age. Erikson emphasizes on the third age crisis (ego-integrity versus despair) discussing this crisis in terms of the individual feeling of realization or, on contrary, on failure.
Holland argued that the choice of a vocation is an expression of personality. Another theory discusses about the identity structures out of that the self-esteem has been chosen as the identity structure to be analyzed in the present study. The research investigated the relation between self-esteem and the social and enterprising personality types at the third age on a sample of 100 subjects (M=68.81).
Keywords: third age; self-esteem; personality type; social; enterprising

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