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Journal Vol. VI (LXVIII) - No. 1/2016

An analysis of current evidence supporting two alternate learning models: learning styles and dual coding
Joshua Cuevas
University of North Georgia, Dunlap Hall 210A, Dahlonega, USA
This paper examines the research evidence behind two alternate and mutually exclusive learning models- learning styles and dual coding. The most common incarnation of each model is based on learning modalities, and each makes predictions about how learners process auditory and visual stimuli.
Learning styles have found wide acceptance in public perception and throughout education at all levels, yet the majority of empirical research suggests that the model is not accurate and that learning styles instruction has no effect on student learning. Dual coding is more strongly supported by empirical research yet less well known and less commonly used in practice. The analysis examines evidence from a wide variety of sources, including experimental studies, correlational research, teacher-education texts, and neuroimaging studies. The findings reveal that dual coding is likely to be the more accurate model and that it offers more potential for both research and in practical application.
Keywords: learning styles; dual coding; cognition; visual; auditory; interaction effect; retention

Study regarding the improvement of the teaching-learning process in primary schools through innovation in educational design
Alina Crisan, Roxana Enache
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania
The research presented in this paper started from an initial study at the primary school level. Through polls applied through focus groups and questionnaires the teacher’s perceptions on determinant factors of the quality of the teaching process at the primary school level were identified.
Starting from these conclusions we considered that a closer attention should be given to the teaching process quality through an approach oriented toward innovation of the educational design and the initiation of some endeavours of improvement at the level of each subject in the educational design is necessary.
The development of the research took place in the school years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 each of them being a distinct stage in identifying and implementing the solutions considered being the most pertinent in reaching the intended results. The whole enterprise took place according to the Deming cycle/ PDCA (plan-do-check-act).
We have to mention the fact that the research process that is the identification of the improvement means is not considered closed at the present moment, being, according to the Kaizen philosophy, an everlasting one.
Keywords: innovation, quality improvement, educational design

Psychometric evaluation of the reliability of IPVIS-OS multiple intelligences assessment instrument for early adolescents
Veljko Aleksic, Mirjana Ivanovic
Faculty of Technical Sciences Cacak, University of Kragujevac, Svetog Save 65, Cacak, 32000, Serbia
Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 4, Novi Sad, 21000, Serbia
The purpose of the research was to evaluate reliability of the created IPVIS-OS instrument. The study was conducted with an empirical sample of 1262 10-to-15-year-old early adolescents from 22 Serbian schools in 2015. Frequency analysis presented satisfactory normal distribution of the results. Internal consistency reliability was established with high overall Cronbach’s Alpha (alpha=0.946). Reliability of the instrument was confirmed by the Split-half analysis. Overall, IPVIS-OS presents a reasonably reliable instrument for multiple intelligences assessment of early adolescents.
Keywords: multiple intelligences; reliability; scale

Appraisal and emotion regulation in anger situations: Differences between Spanish and Romanian women
Gemma Filella Guiu, Agnès Ros Morente, Xavier Oriol Granado, Aurora Adina Ignat, Otilia Clipa
Faculty of Education, Psychology and Social Work, University of Lleida. Av. de l'Estudi General, 4. 25001. Lleida, Spain
Faculty of Education, Autonomous University of Chile. Av. Pedro de Valdivia 425. 28049. Providencia Región Metropolitana, Chile.
Faculty of Sciences of Education, University Stefan cel Mare Suceava, Str. Universitatii 13. 720229. Suceava, Romania.
This study aimed to explore the differences between a sample of Spanish women and another sample of Romanian women in terms of appraisal, use of emotional regulation strategies and the time it takes to regulate anger situations. Results showed significant differences between the two samples in the frequency of occurrence when facing episodes of anger. In addition, Spanish women exhibited more active physiology, social isolation, self-control and discharge when regulating these situations, while Romanian women showed greater use of behavioural distraction, inhibition and suppression.
Keywords: Emotion regulation; appraisal; anger; Spanish and Romanian women

Study on the effects of prolonged mass media consumption on the emotional state of the receptors
Mihai Elena Claudia
Bucharest University
Mass media effects on public have been analyzed in a large number of studies, which revealed the influence of some media contents on people’s beliefs, attitudes, emotional states, behaviors. Prolonged exposure at violent contents has been associated with increases in aggressiveness, hostility, anxiety, suspicion, insensitivity toward the sufferance of others.
This study aims to explore the differences between two experimental groups, one with high level of press consumption, the other with low consumption, regarding the level of anxiety and hostility.
Keywords: anxiety; cultivation theory; hostility; mass media; press consumption

Childhood abuse and psychological birth order: an Adlerian overview
Selda Karadeniz-Özbek, Melek Kalkan
Giresun University, Turkey
Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between childhood abuse experiences and psychological birth order. White-Campbell Psychological Birth Order, Childhood Trauma and Personal Information Questionnaires were applied to 1402 university students from different faculties of Giresun University in Turkey. The sample consisted of 760 female and 642 male participants. The results of correlation analysis clearly indicate that psychological first, middle, last, and only birth order was significantly related to childhood abuse experiences. The results of the stepwise regression analysis revealed childhood abuse as a predictor of the psychological birth order.
Keywords: Childhood abuse; psychological birth order; Adlerian theory; parent-child relations

Effect of speech and motoric rehabilitation on the emotional state of aphasic poststroke patients with depression
Marin Gabriela, Horia Lazarescu, Andrei Kozma
National Institute of Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology, Bucharest, Romania
The present paper presents the clinical experience in rehabilitation of patients who suffered a stroke.
One of the most frequent neuropsychiatric disturbances in stroke patients is depression. Further, post stroke, depression is associated with impaired recovery in cognitive function and activities of daily living. Rehabilitation has a major importance for patients after stroke, in supporting them to recover from depression, help them compensate deficiencies and relearn lost skills like coordinating legs’ or arms’ movements. Depending on the location of the lesion of the cerebrovascular accident (CVA), it can be accompanied by language disorders. In order to help post stroke patients to gain a better emotional state, the specialists must form a team to help them recover speech deficiencies, comprehend the body scheme, and collaborate better with medical recovery doctors and physiotherapists in executing exercises.
Keywords: stroke; post stroke depression; aphasia; rehabilitation

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