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Journal Vol. V (LXVII) - No. 1/2015

Relationship between learning styles and scientific attitude of secondary school students and their achievement in Science subject.
Ravi Kant, Murli Dhar Singh

Maulana Azad National Urdu University,College of Teacher Education,Darbhanga, Bihar, India

Department of B.Ed. Shri Gandhi Mahavidaylaya, Sidhauli, Sitapur (UP) India

This is science who gives more and more knowledge to human kind. Scientific innovations and developments have change entire human life. Learning of science is an important matter for policy makers. The study of science is of great interest to children and provides a natural opportunity for children to grow in ability to solve problems. By taking a sample of 500 secondary school students of science stream an attempt had to know the relationship between learning style, scientific attitude and achievement in science. With the help of standardized instruments Ex-post facto and Survey method were used. Results indicate that science students have different learning styles. Further, achievement in science subject was not significant differ in some groups of learning style but it was significant in some groups. Students having more and less scientific attitude of different categories of learning style were
not significant overall but in some cases they were significant different.
Keywords: learning style; scientific attitude; science achievement; secondary school students

The teacher and the gifted student: a situation at the border between the atypical manifestation of the student and the standardized requirements of the school
Gabriel Albu
Petroleum Gas University, Blvd. Bucuresti, nr. 39, Ploiesti, 100600, Romania
In Romania, within the current context of education reform (whose too frequent and incoherent changes create a feeling of uncertainty and anguish among the large majority of teachers), the gifted student is almost neglected. Also, in their daily activity, preoccupied with (total) quality management, with educational management, time and material resources management, finances and project management, with truancy issues and school violence and what not, policy makers and teachers are left with very little time and energy to deal with this special category of students. It is necessary to design a training program to move from a holistic pedagogy, suited for collectivities, to one of exceptions and excellence. Once acquired, it will prepare the teacher mentally and attitudinally to recognize the gifted student (in the large mass of students), to know how to work with him, to advise him and prepare him for the time when, after graduation, he will enter life, so that his exceptional potential would not go to waste in the minor register of existence.
Keywords: gifted student; teacher; teaching excellence


Teacher skills developed in training programs
Roxana Enache, Alina Crisan
Teachers’ Training Department, Politechnica University , Bucuresti, Romania
Teachers’ Training Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 15, C-tin Daicoviciu street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Teachers’ cross competences are the concern of proposed training programs and target leadership, organization, control and evaluation, participation, personal development, team work and conflict resolution and negotiation. For teachers in particular skill areas such as IT, implementation of projects
and labor laws are targeted, because initial training in the Romanian educational system does not provide a solid base for teachers who do not have any other choice but to consolidate these issues through continuing education. Trends in teacher training are geared towards enhancing initial training and a diverse offering for continuous development is required so as to cover the entire range of cross competences.
Keywords: teacher; adults training program; self-management; leadership

What kind of teacher and what kind of student fits for today. Study case on students, future teachers
Eftimie Simona
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, Ploiesti, Romania
We observed that our students, future teachers, described the ideal pupil starting from their own profile as pupil. Surprisingly, we also noticed that our subjects indicated a relatively similar profile both for ideal teacher (well trained, emphatic, creative, and communicative) and for ideal pupil (eager for
knowledge, sympathetic, creative and open to communication).
Keywords: ideal profile; teacher; student / pupil; values

The methodology of the literary-artistic education: definition and structure
Vlad Paslaru, Constantin Schiopu
Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Institute of Philology
The Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, Moldova State University
The authors define the methodology of forming the reader of literature during the school period in the context of the literary-artistic education at the school discipline of Romanian Language and Literature. There are also mentioned the constitutive values of the term methodology of the LAE. The practical
aspect of the research represents the detailed structuring of the components of the LAE methodology, namely: principles, the system methods-procedures / techniques-forms-means, literary-artistic activities, evaluation forms.
Keywords: artistic-aesthetic knowledge; literary-artistic education; reading pupil; principles of LAE;
methodology of LAE; literary-reading activities.

Stoic therapy: mode of successful application
Emil Stan
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Bucuresti Blvd., 39, Ploiesti, 100680, Romania
This study makes actual a meaning of philosophy overlooked by academic philosophical disciplines: philosophy is the art to live a better life. In other words, philosophy has important “practical” valences. In this light, philosophy is, on the one hand, a tool for analyzing the individual’s lifestyle and, on the
other hand, a therapy, in the true sense of the term, targeted on the reorientation of this lifestyle. Our demonstration resorts, as an example, to the Stoicism practiced by the ancient Greeks (Zeno, Chrysippus etc.).
Keywords: stoicism; therapy; emotional disagreements

The effectiveness of Sandplay Therapy in reducing symptoms of separation anxiety in children 5 to 7 years old
Hamideh Mohammadi Nasab, Zohreh Mohammad Alipour
Department of Clinical Psychology, College of Psycology and Education, Allameh Tabataba'i University , Tehran, Iran
Department of Guidance and Counseling, College of Psycology and Education, Al'Zahra University, Tehran, Iran
This study has been conducted with the aim of examining the effectiveness of sandplay therapy in reducing symptoms of separation anxiety in children 5 to 7 years old. The present study is a quasiexperimental with the pretest-posttest control group design. Statistical population of the study included all the 5 to 7 years old children suffering from separation anxiety disorder who went to psychiatry clinics in Tehran in 2014. Sample size of the study was comprised of 30 participants who were selected through random sampling and were selectively divided into two groups (15 persons in experimental group and 15 persons in control group); but control group was waiting for treatment. Before and after 10 treatment sessions, all the participants were tested by using abnormal Child Symptom Inventory-4 (CSI-4), parent checklist. Besides, participants received psychiatrist’s diagnosis of the aforementioned disorder. The CSI-4 is a behavior rating scale whose items correspond to the symptoms of disorders defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th edition). The validity of this scale has been approved of by the specialists of American Psychological Association (APA). The reliability of this inventory has been 0.78 through Cronbach’s alpha. Analysis of the data obtained from administrating CSI-4 was carried out by using SPSS software in two descriptive (frequency distribution table, mean, variance and standard deviation) and inferential (covariance) sections. Results obtained from covariance analysis indicated that sandplay therapy reduces separation anxiety disorder in posttest. Therefore, the findings revealed that sandplay therapy can be effective in reducing symptoms of separation anxiety disorder.
Keywords: sandplay therapy; separation anxiety; children

Speech and language therapists’ perception from special schools concerning computer-based therapy
Alina Margarițoiu
Educational Sciences Department, Petroleum-Gas University, Bd. Bucuresti, 39, Ploiesti, 100680, Romania
This paper contains a preliminary study that explores the perception of speech and language therapists from special schools, Prahova County, towards computer-based therapy. Using documents’ analyse and individualised interview, we have reached to the conclusion that all investigated speech and language therapists know the advantages and disadvantages of computer-based therapy, but they are used on an average level, more for documentation purposes than to correct speech activities or reduce language disorders of children with disabilities. More, they are using in an overwhelming proportion computer programs especially in a demonstrative purpose (in order to obtain first didactic degree) and less in current practice.
Keywords: speech and language therapists, computer-based therapy

Factors that affect the quality of life in children with congenital anomalies and assessment of anxiety and depression on their parents
Adrian Cristian Papari, Danuț Capatina, Georgeta Camelia Cozaru
„Andrei Șaguna” University of Constanta (ROMÂNIA)
„Sf. Apostol Andrei” Constanta County Emergency Clinical Hospital (ROMÂNIA)
This paper aims to review the current literature about the factors that affect the quality of life in children with congenital anomalies (CA) and to evaluate the levels of anxiety and depression in their parents. The method f this study included bibliography research from both the review and the research literature which referred to the factors that affect the quality of life in children with CA. This is also a prospective study on a group of 40 parents that has children with CA witch were tested with Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. In generally, research studies have showed that the change in body image including the delay in physical growth exerts a negative influence on the quality of life of children with CA.
Keywords: quality of life; congenital anomalies; anxiety; depression

Career counseling – the solution for bridging the gap between education and labour market
Litoiu Nicoleta
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Splaiul Independentei St.,no. 313, Bucharest, Romania
Nowadays, the career counseling process and career management skills’ development are identified as major dimensions of redesigning the whole understanding and awareness about the role of career counseling in helping people to attain the labour market’s requirements. Consequently, this paper emphasis the idea of bridging the gap between education and labour market through the solutions offered by the career counseling’s policies and strategies, providing an overview at different levels of education, from pre-university level to the higher education level, in terms of skills and competencies, curriculum implemented or practical benefits in order for students to ensure a good start for a future career.
Keywords: career counseling; career management skills; labour market; lifelong guidance;

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