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Journal Vol. IV (LXVI) - No. 2/2014

Faculty trust, conflict and the use of knowledge in an international higher education context
Jonasson Charlotte, Normann Jan, Lauring Jakob
Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University,Aarhus
Business Administration, School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, Aarhus

Few studies have examined group dynamics among faculty in higher education organizations. This is unfortunate since a well-functioning, collaborating faculty group has been shown to have a positive effect on both staff and student performance. Another important, but underexplored theme is the effect of university internationalization. In this study, we combine these two scarcely studied themes and focus on the role of interpersonal trust, group emotional conflict, and group task conflict in international university departments. Our findings reveal that while interpersonal trust is positively associated with the faculty members’ use of each other’s knowledge the opposite is true for group emotional conflict. We found no effect of group task conflict. But we found that the percentage of foreigners in a department negatively moderated the effect of interpersonal trust on knowledge use. Hence, the role of trust is less important for faculty’s use of each other’s knowledge resources in highly cultural diverse departments compared to less heterogeneous settings.
Keywords: Faculty in higher education; university internationalization; interpersonal trust; group emotional conflict; group task conflict

The importance of school competition in teachers' assessment for merit gradations. A case of preschool and primary school teachers in Iasi County, Romania
Versavia Curelaru, Daniela Muntele Hendres, Genoveva Farcas
Al. I. Cuza Univeristy, Carol I Blvd 11, 700506 Iasi, Romania Iasi County School Inspectorate, Nicolae Balcescu Str 26, 700117 Iasi, Romania
In Romania, teachers' performance is periodically assessed for the purpose of selectively awarding them monthly financial incentives called merit gradations. The criteria used in teachers' evaluations are established by the Ministry of National Education and adjusted locally by County School Inspectorates. These criteria refer to performing a series of specific activities which are submitted in the form of a detailed assessment sheet. The authors of this article consulted 481 of such files submitted by preschool and primary school teachers from the archives of Iasi County School Inspectorate, all of which were awarded merit gradations in the school years between 2006 and 2012. The findings of the present study highlight the high percentage of points awarded for merit gradations to teachers based on their having involved their pupils in academic competitions. We argue that employing this practice in teacher assessments should be rigorously documented from a scientific standpoint before being widely used in the educational system.
Keywords: teachers’ assessment; evaluation criteria; merit gradation sheet; merit gradations; school competition

The Cynical Therapy: how to use it
Emil Stan
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Bucuresti Blvd., 39, Ploiesti, 100680, Romania
This study brings to the fore the meaning of philosophy which is ignored by the academic philosophical disciplines: philosophy is the art of living a better life; in other words, philosophy has important “practical” meanings. From this point of view, philosophy is a tool for analyzing the lifestyle of the individual on the one hand, and on the other hand, a therapy, in the proper sense of the term, of reorientation of this way of life; the present demonstration uses as an example the cynical philosophy.
Keywords: philosophy; cynicism; therapy; opinion; facts; affectivity

The importance of a sense of meaning in higher education: Review of literature studies
Solomon Makola
Central University of Technology (Welkom Campus), P.O Box 1881, Welkom, 9460, South Sfrica
The importance of finding meaning in life is widely accepted and well documented. One of the reasons why there has been much interest in the field is that finding meaning is associated with survival or effective coping. Research findings suggest that individuals with a high sense of meaning in life are more likely than those with low meaning in life to withstand being exposed to stressors. There are also studies that found a significant relationship between this construct and academic performance. The purpose of this paper is to review studies which focussed on the role played by sense of meaning in higher education.
Keywords: Meaning in life, stressors, higher education, adjustment, academic performance, well-being, values

The moral dimension, a dimension neglected in the ongoing training of teachers. Case study
Gabriel Albu
Petroleum Gas University, Blvd. Bucuresti, nr. 39, Ploiesti, 100600, Romania
In the current context of ongoing training of teachers in Romania it is found that the axiological dimension of morals is (almost) non-existent. A field investigation showed the need for a new vision regarding ongoing teacher training and proposes topics, programmes and projects related to the current issues in the moral-ethical domain (that meet the interests of those who work daily with young generations).
Keywords: ongoing training; teacher; moral values; training program

Good teacher's personality: an open analysis
Mihaela Suditu
Educational Sciences Department, Petroleum-Gas University, Bd. Bucuresti, 39, Ploiesti, 100680, Romania
This study aims to examine the component elements of the good teacher profile, of the professor wanted by the students to lectures and seminars/laboratories. We start from the premise that identifying and after that knowing how the share of the cognitive forces, emotional and attitudinal ones that compose the teacher's personality in student's opinion are distributed, we will be able to model, through extension, the efficient teacher, with good implications on the teaching, personality. For that, we selected a sample including 80 students of the Petroleum-Gas University from Ploiesti, enrolled in different courses, from the educational sciences and engineering fields. We used, as a technical research method, the check list, and we applied an adapted instrument that provides the possibility of constructing a general hierarchy of the values of the teaching personality, in the students’ vision. The resulted profiles constitute for us an opportunity of a broad analysis, and also, we hope, a reason for openness to pedagogical self-improvement.
Keywords: didactic personality; check-list; students; teachers

Teachers’ integration in school organization
Eftimie Simona
Petroleum – Gas University of Ploiesti, Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, no 39, 100680, Romania
Considering the observations made during special inspections (in order to obtain didactic degrees) and the echoes from teachers, students and future teachers, we have designed a study meant to analyze the perception on the climate in school organization, especially present teachers’ difficulties to adapt to a new era in education. An important finding is that, during the last years, due the deep and rapid changes in the educational system, both young teachers and experienced teachers have difficulties to integrate in the school community. Solutions are also discussed here.
Keywords: school organization; teachers; debutants; integration

Effects of lack of intellectual property rights and licensing awareness on universities’ opportunities
Gamze Sart
Hasan Ali Yucel Faculty of Education, Istanbul Üniversitesi, Istanbul, Turkey
In Turkey, most university administrators and academic staff members are not yet fully aware of intellectual property rights (IPRs). Researchers often have difficulty in licensing opportunities that can provide additional revenue streams due to the lack of either strategic policies set by the administration or a dedicated technology transfer (or licensing) office (TTO). This paper attempts to shed some light on the relationship between intellectual property rights and licensing awareness in Turkish universities as well as how this is affected by the lack of TTOs. Semi-structured exploratory interviews were conducted with 45 researchers in two different faculties (Medicine and Engineering). Results show that most of the participants, including a higher-than-expected percentage from the Faculty of Engineering, were not aware of the importance of the technology that they had developed in terms of licensing and royalties that they could earn. In conclusion, it can be said that universities in Turkey have to undergo a policy change regarding managerial issues, especially with regards to Technology Transfer Offices. Increasing the visibility of technology transfer options and agreements, as well as further research on this topic, is recommended.
Keywords: Technology Transfer Offices; licensing; intellectual property; intellectual property rights

Limits of methods used in analysing the psychological defense: psychological defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms
Danut I. Crasovan
Center for Research in Postdoctoral Studies (CCPC) – Institute for Social and Political Research (ICSP), West University of Timisoara, România.
Lately, and even now, the study of adaptive psychological processes, psychological defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms, was made from different theoretical and methodological perspectives. This is also evident in terms of the number of assessment instruments for psychological defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms, most assessment instruments for psychological defense being developed for psychological defense mechanisms. Despite the diversity and the considerable number, assessment instruments for psychological defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms have a number of limitations. The limitations of the assessment instruments for psychological defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms are determined by: the particularities of these psychological processes, primarily by their predominant unconscious character; the diversity and complexity of adaptive psychological processes of the human subject; the difficulty of capturing in good time the observable and measurable indicators of functioning of the defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms. Other limitations of psychological instruments for assessing psychological defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms are determined by the type and the particular methodological instruments used for this purpose.
Keywords: self-report measures; observer-report measures; projective measures; psychological defense mechanisms; coping mechanisms

Relationship between Cognitive Ability and Accurate Self-Reporting
Wahyu Widhiarso
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
This study expands upon previous investigations regarding factors that affect individual ability to provide accurate responses via self-report measures. Specifically, the present study investigated the relationship between cognitive ability and response inaccuracy (aberrance), the hypothesis being that response inaccuracy on personality self-report was affected by cognitive ability. Cognitive abilities were measured using the Intelligence Structure Test; IST-70 and self-report accuracy was measured using the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (CSEI). Both instruments were administered to 11th and 12nd-grade students from 14 schools in Indonesia (N = 1,674). The W-statistic, a person-fit statistic in Rasch modeling, was employed to identify inaccurate response patterns on the CSEI. Logistic regression showed significant effects for cognitive and verbal abilities on individual response accuracy on the CSEI: individuals with higher cognitive abilities were more likely to produce accurate responses than those with lower cognitive abilities. In addition, the consistency of individual response accuracy ranged from low to high depending the characteristics of the specific item. Respondents demonstrated high consistency in their ability to give accurate responses within the same measurement for similar items.
Keywords: Cognitive abilities; Person-fit statistic; Accurate responses

An investigation of the predictive role of self-compassion on hope in Turkish university students
Ahmet Akin, Umran Akin
Sakarya University, Faculty of Education, Department of Psychological Counselling and Guidance, Sakarya, Turkey
The purpose of this study is to examine predictive role of self-compassion on hope. Participants were 349 university students (181 women, 168 men). In this study, the Self-compassion Scale and the Integrative Hope Scale were used. The relationships between self-compassion and hope were examined using correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. In correlation analysis, self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness factors of self-compassion were found positively and Self-judgment, isolation, and over-identification factors of selfcompassion were found negatively related to hope. According to regression results, hope was predicted negatively by self-judgment, isolation, and over-identification. Further self-kindness and mindfulness predicted hope in a positive way. Self-compassion has explained 30% of the variance in hope. The results were discussed in the light of the related literature and dependent recommendations to the area were given.
Keywords: Self-compassion; hope; multiple regression analysis

Promoting counselling programs in special schools
Alina Margaritoiu
Educational Sciences Department, Petroleum-Gas University, Bd. Bucuresti, 39, Ploiesti, 100680, Romania
This article aims to promote alternative ways to ensure counselling services for children with special needs, their families and teachers from special schools. On the basis of an analysis of international literature, legislative and curricular documents and the results obtained from investigating the perception of special schools' teachers towards counselling, we suggest counselling programs for parents and teachers to help them develop their counselling skills.
Keywords: counselling programs, special schools, special needs

Quality of life in hypertensive patients
Tânia Figueiredo, Cláudia Chaves, Ana Andrade, João Duarte

Health Center of S. Pedro do Sul, Largo do Hospital, 3660-439 Sao Pedro do Sul-Portugal

Superior Health School, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Rua D. João Crisóstomo Gomes de Almeida, nº 102, 3500-843 Viseu-Portugal
Arterial hypertension reduces quality of life. To assess the influence of sociodemographic and clinical variables on the quality of life of hypertensive patients. This is a cross section study with 431 hypertensive patients enrolled in health care services in central Portugal. 56.84% of the patients are female, aged between 30 and 95 years. The patients have isolated systolic hypertension blood pressure as measured recently and measured 3 months ago (41.8% and 34.8%, respectively). There is a relationship between gender, age, education, marital status, professional situation, cohabitation, monthly income and waist circumference and quality of life. And a positive correlation between blood pressure and the mental state dimension, as well as between the body mass index and somatic manifestations in the quality of life dimension.
Keywords: quality of life; hypertensive patients

Why qualitative research is unpopular in the field of Humanities in Iran: a phenomenological research on experts and key informant's views
Shirkoh Mohammadi, Mohsen Nazarzadeh Zare
Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Tehran, Iran
The aim of the present research was to identify the causes of qualitative research unpopularity in the field of humanities in Iran. To achieve this aim, a qualitative approach and phenomenology research design was utilized. The research population included all researchers and faculty members of humanities in Iran. In order to collect data, unstructured interviews were conducted. The results of the study showed that misconception about the meaning of science, lack of sufficient knowledge about qualitative research and lack of risk taking and trust between researchers (exogenous factors) on one hand, and complexity of qualitative research design, difficulty of data collection and analysis, and finally the ambiguity of methods of validating the results (endogenous factors) on the other hand, were the causes of such problem.
Keywords: the pathology of humanities; qualitative research challenges; research status in humanities

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