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Archive of old issues (Bulletins)

Bulletin Vol. LX - No. 2/2008

The paradigm of education for change
Valerica Anghelache
Universitatea „Dunarea de Jos” Galati, Str. Garii, nr. 63-65
E-mail: vali_ang@yahoo.fr


This article proposes itself to bring into discussion a subject that can hardly be avoided nowadays:
change and the education for change. We propose ourselves to highlight the main theoretical landmarks,
its object, and the theoretical foundations that validate its existence in the field of pedagogy.

Key words: education, change, education for change



Career counseling in Greece and the GCDF program
Maria Koutsafti
Center “Vocational Guidance and Education Consultants” (V.G.&E.C.), Athens, Greece
Email: ccd@hol.gr


Career counseling is becoming gradually a great necessity in Greece developing its application in many
areas in the educational sector and the business. Existing program of career counseling in the higher
education as well as other ones funding by the EEC, stabilizes the need to provide a certified professional
training such as GCDF. New approaches adopting in the career counseling and professional associations
have estimated the need to support this kind of training in order to protect the counseling profession in
this area and at the same time to upgrade it.
The future of application of GCDF can be very bright with many applications considering the expansion
of this field all over Greece and the need to develop this kind of expertise.
In my presentation I will present the need of GCDF training in Greece considering he existing situation
and future prospects

Key words: career counseling, counseling profession, career services





Certification for counselors, diffuse counseling: the Italian context
Lorenzo Barbagli
PREPOS - Prepos School of Counseling, Firenze, Italia
e-mail: lorenzo.barbagli@prepos.com


This article gives a description of the Italian context about Counseling. The importance of growing up
this profession in a political and theoretical level by foundation of FAIC-NBCC Italia and the effort of
Vincenzo Masini and Prepos in this process.

Keywords: CNEL, Order of Psychologist, FAIC-NBCC, Free University of Counseling, PREPOS


The school-to-home transmission model
Adina Pescaru
Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, Bdul Bucuresti, nr.39, Ploiesti
e-mail: aprilie6@yahoo.com


Schools reflect and perpetuate the dominant values and beliefs of the society they serve. Schools also
offer the opportunity for those who have not been traditionally successful to “make it”, generally by
learning the rules and succeeding in the areas dictated by the dominant culture. These are principles that
are reflected in the model presented. Educators who are using this approach have many choices to make
about what information they should transmit and to whom. Those choices strongly influence the degree to
which all the children can be successful.

Key words: culture of power, dominant culture, privileged society


Grigore Tabacaru and the active school
Steliana Lefter
Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti nr. 39, Ploiesti
e-mail: steliana.lefter@yahoo.com


Grigore Tabacaru (1883-1939) is one of the pioneers of the active school in Romania, although most
historians of pedagogy mention only his activity in the field of experimental pedagogy. The study analyses
the principles of the active school, its psychologic, sociologic and experimental principles, as they are
presented in Tabacaru’s work.

Key words: active school, new education, principles of education, education fundamentals, defining



The New Testament, a pedagogical reading
Cristina Benga
Colegiul German Goethe, str. Cihoschi, nr. 17, sector 1, Bucuresti
e-mail: cristinabenga2006@yahoo.de


The New Testament provides many solutions for life that are not stereotype in nature. Its reading allows
us to see the methods we can resort to in order to attain a better physical and psychic evolution. Thus, we
can find answers to the questions that enable us to know ourselves better, to develop our self-esteem, and
to give a meaning to our lives.

Key words: education, Pauline epistles, Pastoral Epistles, salvation, grace, divine law.




Religion and reason in preschool education
Simona Popescu
Grup Scolar Servicii „Sfântul Apostol Andrei”, Str. Deditel nr. 4, Ploiesti
E-mail: monamicu@yahoo.com


The present study develops the concepts of “reason”, “wish” ,”magic”, “faith” and “religion”, as key
words used by children in various situations .Our study proves that very early in their life, at pre-school
age, being rational creatures, children are capable not only of thinking, but also of praying (as a means
of contacting Divinity). Therefore, they believe in action and based on specific wishes they communicate
with God. Similar to other ages, pre-school children use the acquired information in their everyday
experience to build up their own world, called “magic world, in which the basic elements are “magic
thinking” and “magic beliefs”.

Key words: magic beliefs, magic thinking ,prayer, wish, religion, preschool child.


The Essential 55: an award winning educator’s rules for discovering the successful student in every child
Mihaela Badea
Universitatea Petrol – Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, nr.39, Ploiesti
E-mail: mbadea@upg-ploiesti.ro


Through his passionate use of special rules for his classroom, highly innovative teaching techniques and
an undying devotion to his students and helping them cope with their problems, Ron Clark is able to make
a remarkable difference in the lives of his students The purpose of the paper is to show some of his rules
and their usefulness in the educational field. His message is one of hope, dedication, and the will to never
let anything stand in the way of your hopes and dreams.

Key words: Ron Clark, rule, children, educator


Education, an art of communication
Gabriela Popescu
Centrul Judetean de Resurse si Asistenta Educationala Prahova, str. Bobâlna, nr. 26, Ploiesti
e-mail: craciunescu_gabriela@yahoo.com


This article starts with this quote from Anthony Robbins, develop it, and in the same time demonstrate the
fact that at the teacher’s desk or in any other type of interpersonal relationship, the premise is generated
by what we are, what we communicate, as a method of apprehending the other’s reality. The article
presents the communication axioms, concentrating on neuro-linguistic programming as a trump card for
education. The article analyzes several priorities of improving education, through the contributions of
linguistics and general semantics, in this way avoiding the break-downs in communication, considered as
linguistic limitations, by interviewing them in order to distinguish their real signification.

Key words: communication, neuro-linguistic programming, calibration, axioms, break-downs,
competence of communication

New methodological orientations in the physical education activity
Elena Lupu
Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd.Bucuresti, nr.39, Ploiesti
e-mail: lupu_lln@yahoo.com


We are often faced with the lack of bench-marks for the evaluation of the non-sportsmen groups. In order
to evaluate the progress that has been made by the students we believe necessary drawing up and carrying
into effect a series of trials fated for the evaluation of the driving qualities and new sport games which
should stimulate involvement in the lesson, kind of a „outdoor”, ”loisir”, that should not have a high cost,
to establish inter-cultural bonds even at an international level, to stimulate competition, to be able to
practice it no matter the age, and the examples could go on. For the beginning we directed our attention to

Key words: methodological orientations, non-profile higher education, tests, petanque, evaluation.





The carrying out of the physical education lesson where the strategies of action, communication and information are predominant
Marcel Deacu
Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti 39, Ploiesti
e-mail: marceldeacu@yahoo.com


In the contemporary society, education must re-orientate its habits, content, institutional system and
technology it uses because of the "informational explosion" that involves improved methods of storage
and documentation, causes which radically alter the essence and the functions of the educational system
by no longer emphasizing memorization, but the formation of an individual by requesting a qualitative
leap. The synchronization of the social offer with the school product which is imposed by the actual
demands and by the perspectives of the society will facilitate the rapid integration of the youth in the
production activity and will prepare students for life.
Key words: action, communication, lesson, information instruction, model, strategy.





Teachers’ views of the purpose of education
Mariana Bradac
Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, 39, Ploiesti
e-mail: mbradac@upg-ploiesti.ro


The growth of the Science for All and Science-Technology-Society movements and the changing nature of
students in those countries with increased school retention rates, make considerations of the purpose of
physics teaching much more complex. When school physics was seen solely as the beginning of a
sequence with the end point of post-graduate university research students, things were simple. Both the
content of school physics courses and the pedagogy used in classrooms could be seen solely in terms of
the requirements of university physics departments, and the purpose of physics teaching to be as selection
into those departments. While these requirements remain, the physics teachers of many countries today
also are faced with competing purposes such as scientific literacy in which physics is a component of
general education.

Key words: teacher, physics, science, technology, education



Le texte comme lieu de rencontre des approches didactiques spécifiques
Matei Cerkez
Institutul de Stiinte ale Educatiei, Stirbei Voda, nr.37, Bucuresti
e-mail: m.cerkez@ise.ro


L`étude a comme point de départ l`étude du texte comme source pédagogique pour former aux élèves des
compétences de communication, d`interprétation, d`argumentation etc.On observe que l`utilisation du
texte dans les activités de langue et de littérature, vise uniquement resoudre des éxèrcices de grammaire
ou réaliser des commentaires littéraires.Par suite, l`auteur propose des démarches pragmatiques
complementaires visant de multiplier les compétences aquises par l`élève dans les activités de langues et
de littrature, par l`usaje du texte comme resource didactique.

Mots clefs: utilisation du texte, communication, texte genere en classe, comportemment, competence,
litteraire/nonlitteraire, didactique.



A study related to teacher candidates’conflict resolution methods
Nurten Sargin*, Hacer Tor**, Bahadir Bozoglan***, Musa Koroglu****
* Selcuk University, Education Faculty
e-mail: nurtensargin@hotamail.com
**Gazi University, Education Faculty of Industrial Arts
e-mail: hyilmaz@gazi.edu.tr
***Selcuk University, Psychological Counselling
e-mail: bahadirhome@hotmail.com
****Selcuk University, Psychological Counselling
e-mail: musakoroglu55@hotmail.com


This study has tried to find conflict resolution methods used by a group of teacher candidate from point of
several variables. Participants have translated a scale and adapted to Turkey. It has been found
participants have mostly used constructive and positive methods and rarely used negative and destructive
methods and students have had different resolution methods depending on age, sex, parent education,
family income, place and number of siblings.

Key words: teacher candidates, conflict resolution




The importance of knowing the psychological profile in the athletic tests
Mirela Dulgheru*, Marius Vaida**
* Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd.Bucuresti, nr.39, Ploiesti
e-mail: dmirela714@yahoo.com
* Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd.Bucuresti, nr.39, Ploiesti
e-mail: vaidamarius@yahoo.com


The multiple psychical, various, diversified activities, must develop and form – in each situation – and
prevent, and compensate and correct the disfunctions, whither the life, work and activity conditions
succeed to keep the equilibrium of the human personality. The assistance and psychological activity for
sportsmen, can mark down to the unsportsmanlike population (the sport amateurs), who, because of the
different psychotic components can capitalize on the positive effect of motion, on the agreeably state
induced by the physical effort.

Key words: physical activity, psychological characterization, selection.


The lesson-the basic form of didactic activity
Gheorghe Calcan*, Valentina Munteanu**
* Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, nr. 39, Ploiesti
e-mail: calcan@xnet.ro
** Scoala “Sf. Vineri”, str. Postei, Ploiesti


The present paper gives a short presentation of the lesson as the basic form of didactic activity. It briefly
enumerates the historical arguments that made this form of organizing teaching viable, the aces of the
lesson, the ways of improving the teaching efficiency, the necessity to adapt the organization of the lesson
to contemporary life.

Key words: lesson, didactic process.



Sport competition management
Marin Finichiu
Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd.Bucuresti, nr.39, Ploiesti
e-mail: finichiu1@yahoo.com


Through the social-cultural dimensions, sport and sport competitions offer an unique occasion to meet other
people, to communicate with them, to take different roles, to gather certain moral attitudes (like tolerance,
respect for the other, etc.), to accept attitudes, connected with the living activity of certain feelings hardly felt in
other areas of the life, to accept certain positive elements of the life style, to adapt to the proposed objective and
to become socially active throughout other’s performances. By its forms of participation, sport and sport
competitions help to the child socialize by learning different roles in games, contests; on the other side, elder
people have in mind, among other things, to re-establish the contact with the social world; persons with special
needs through sport activity manage to surpass their limits by social recognition, while for performance athletes
the recipe for success is a mixture between social affiliation with competition elements in different degrees and
forms, in an environment proper for learning, relaxing time with outgoing that strengthened the team spirit and
with an added “fun”.

Key words: sport, competition, management


Gifted children and their teachers – training in the field
Teodora Draghicioiu
Centrul Judetean de Asistenta Psihopedagogica Prahova, str. Bobâlna, nr.26, Ploiesti
e-mail: t_draghicioiu@yahoo.com


The studies regarding the teachers specialized in the field of the differentiated training are less numerous,
in comparison with the students with a high IQ although the importance of the teachers’s behaviour is
emphasized by many researchers. For example, in 1975-1991, only 3% of the published works are
dedicated the training of the teacher of the students with high IQ. The additional training of the teachers
for differentiated teaching of the students is fully motivated from the psychological, pedagogical and
philosophical point of view, if we take into account the existence of several types of high IQ intelligence,
the complexity of the content of the curriculum and the aspect of the psychic development. According to
the “Law about education of the gifted young men, capable of high performances”, adopted by the
Romania`s Parliament in 8 January 2007, in our country, it is stipulated that the “National Centre for
Differentiated Teaching” will be founded, and the fourth chapter there are clear settlements about “The
Training of the Authorized Personnel”.

Key words: high ability, teachers` training, differentiated teaching.



Marks for evaluating educational and social programmes
Anca Dogaru
Scoala Speciala nr. 2, Ploiesti
e-mail: dogaru_anca@yahoo.com


A domain that is pretty recent, the evaluating of educational and social programmes manifested
importance beginning with the last decades, based on the new-formed worldwide problems.
This work proposes a presentation of come key-concepts and a description of the evaluation of
educational and social programmes, besides a short presentation of structural defining marks of this

Key words: evaluation, social programme, educational programme

Postmodern adolescent’s lack of reference points
Simona Eftimie
Universitatea Petrol – Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd.Bucuresti, nr.39, Ploiesti
e-mail: simone_eftimie@yahoo.com


In postmodern era, the educational role of parents was taken off by the educational institutions: TV,
crèche, kindergarten, school, and community. So, in the context of the environmental factors’ complexity
and overwhelming fortuitous, unsystematic education influences for future human being, we propose to
draw the attention of every person involved in educational process of the values and reference point’s
problem for adolescents.

Key words: adolescence, postmodern era, value crisis, family


Autisme, les programmes et les modèles thérapeutiques
Alina Margaritoiu
Universitatea Petrol – Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti nr. 39, Ploiesti
e-mail: alinapetrescu1@yahoo.com


L’objectif de cet article est de montrer les programmes et les modèles thérapeutiques la plus appropriées
et la plus efficaces destinées aux enfants autistes: programme TEACCH (Treatment and Education of
Autistic and Communication Handicaped Children), TED (thérapie d’échange et de développement),
programme ABA (Analyse appliquée du comportement), systèmes de communication alternatifs PECS
(Picture Exchange Communication System) et Makaton, thérapie de l’intégration sensorielle, thérapie
corporelle, musicothérapie.

Mots clés: l’intégration scolaire, les programmes, les modèles thérapeutiques

An image of contemporary world and its effects on education
Gabriel Albu
Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti, Bd.Bucuresti, nr.39, Ploiesti
e-mail: gabrielalbu04@yahoo.com


Any man from the desk teacher has a vision over the world where he lives and which he anticipates.
Depending on it he acts and behaves in comparison with the students, seeking to help them and to
understand the world he comes into, with its advantages and disadvantages, with its opportunities and
dangers, with its happiness and anxieties .One of the books which offers the opportunity to the teachers of
seeing better the world where we form the young generation is “Paradoxicall Happiness. An Essay of The
Hyperconsuming Society”, written by the French sociologist Gilles Lipovetsk, to which I made a review
and which showed up to Polirom Publishing House from Iasi, in 2007.


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