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Reviewing Process


The articles that are published in the Journal of Educational sciences and Psychology follow a double blind peer-review procedure.
The reviewing process implies the following stages:

  1. Submitting the manuscript by author(s) in English language on the This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it e-mail address.
  2. Receiving the manuscript by the Editorial Board on the above-mentioned e-mail address.
  3. Preliminary manuscript checking of thematic relevance, compliance with contents and editing guidelines, appropriate and accurate English, as instructed by “Authors’ Guidelines”. In the case the manuscript does not fulfill the requirements mentioned above, it will be returned by the Editorial Board to author(s) with the necessary observations concerning the insertion of additional information, rephrasing, etc.
  4. Registering the manuscript by the Editorial Board. If during the preliminary manuscript checking process the manuscript fulfills the requirements, the Editorial Board registers the manuscript providing a unique identification code.This code and the confirmation of manuscript receiving will be sent to the author’s e-mail address.
  5. Transmitting the manuscript to two independent reviewers. The manuscript is separately assessed and reviewed by two independent reviewers who will not be aware of the author’s identity. In their turn, the authors do not know the reviewers’ identity. After assessment and review, each reviewer writes the Reviewer’s Report where she mentions one of the following:
    • Accepted with no objections, in the case that the manuscript is published;
    • Accepted with minor chamges, in the case the manuscript cannot be published, for the moment. The Editorial Board sends the manuscript and Reviewers’ Report with the reviewers’ improvement suggestions on the authors’ e-mail address. After the author make the necessary corrections he/she send the manuscript to the Editorial Board in 10 days’ time since he/she received the Editorial Board’s answer. The Editorial Board send the improved manuscript to the reviewer(s). This process is reiterated until the reviewer (reviewers) considers the manuscript could be accepted with no objections.
    • Acceptet with (major) changes and revision, in the case the manuscript cannot be published, for the moment. The Editorial Board sends the manuscript and Reviewers’ Report with the reviewers’ revision suggestions on the authors’ e-mail address. After the author make the necessary corrections he/she send the manuscript to the Editorial Board in 10 days’ time since he/she received the Editorial Board’s answer. The Editorial Board send the improved manuscript to the reviewer(s). This process is reiterated until the reviewer (reviewers) considers the manuscript could be accepted with no objections.
    • Rejected, when the manuscript can not be published. Besides the reasons concerning the scientific content of the manuscript, the reviewer (reviewers) may reject the manuscript whenever he/she ascertains a case of plagiarism or compiling.
  6. Operating final modifications of format and contents by author(s). It is done only in the case in which due to the changes made by author(authors) at reviewer(reviewers) suggestion, the manuscript suffered format and content changes and the Executive Editors have to discuss with the author(authors) the final formatting of the manuscript.
  7. Transmitting the manuscript for publishing. The Editorial Board checks the final formatting and the accuracy of the English language.
  8. Publishing the manuscript. It is made according to the chronological criterion, according to manuscript registration and to the end of the reviewing process.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 02 February 2016 17:03  

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