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Aims & Scope


Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology publishes research studies, review articles and special issues both in education sciences and psychology area. Research studies should be focused on increasing our understanding of education, learning, schooling, mental health, human behavior and cognition. The journal is a forum for the integration of the education sciences and psychology, but specific papers on education or psychology will be considered. The majority of the articles deal with education/pedagogy, behavior, cognition and emotions and personality. However, more clinical, social, computational, neuropsychological and neuroscientific papers will also be considered as long as the study focuses on a specific aspect of education and psychology and is of interest to one of the above-mentioned research communities. Papers outside this scope and papers with limited theoretical value (effect-driven papers) will not be considered.
We also welcome proposals for special issues on aspects of the above mentioned domains. Such proposals can be made directly to the Editor-in-Chief from individuals interested in being guest editors for such collections.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 20 February 2018 11:58  

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